Could you give me a quick rundown, frens?

2  2019-05-03 by Traubenfuchs

I think I understand frens, but I do not know yet what clowns are.

Can one even understand frens when he doesn't know what clowns are?

I kindly ask you for a quick rundown.


Clowns are potential frens who just need to be taught how to be more frenly.

clowns hate all frens.

they use seductive words 'tolerance', 'diversity','progress' to lure you into their cult! stay safe! creepy clowns want to kill us frens!

I don't know what the clowns mean to you all, frens, but I was a clown before finding this place. The clowns, if you are referring to Honkler, believe that the world is actually clownworld. A ciruis. Utter madness. Such crazy things happen nowadays such as Christians being labeled as "Easter Worshippers," Drag being taught to small children, and people rejoicing over Notre Dame burning down, it's as if the world is a circus, and nothing matters. If nothing matters, one might as well have fun. They believe in this nihliism, and embrace it. They see the madness for what it is, and accept that the world is crazy.