My mom said i would never get 1000 karma frens

606  2019-05-03 by mtygesen6


We believe in you fren.

than you fren

We're all gonna make it one day Fren <3

I hope so fren

I thought so too, but one day i looked at my karma count and i saw i had 1000 karmas.

you can get the 1000 karmas too one day, just believe in yourself fren

Thanks fren

You only need 60 more fren!

I did it fren

Proud of you fren

you can do it fren


Thats what i told her fren

Have some karma, fren.

You did it fren!


Congratulations Fren, you did it!

Thanks fren

You did it fren!

Omg fren

Fren, while I don’t mind up voting your post. . Me thinks there are better ways to get karma fren. .

How fren

By making OC, draw your own frens in paint! There’s a lot of joy In bringing new frens to life, or by making an original title or thought. Giving your frens something to think about and then going on to discuss it with them can also be lots of fun!

Karma is temporary, but frenship is forever. Remember that fren.

Emotional fren

Ay congratulations

Thank you fren

You did it fren! The world can't get you down!

You are right fren

Wow, original non-beggatory content fren!

Thanks fren

Thanks fren