My brain is not fren, frens. How do I fix? :(

26  2019-05-03 by Dubpixel


Take control of your brain fren.

Find a comfy place with little or no light and close your eyes.

Then try to not think of anything, just feel.

Feel the air on your skin, feel the clothes you are wearing, listen to any sounds you hear and just experience it.

Hope it helps.

Strange that we often forget to just feel instead of thinking all the time. As a chronic overthinker, this helped a lot. Thanks fren.


come to frenworld daily and write your best frenworld experiences into your frendiary every day.

Your brain controlled by a nonfren goblin.

Pull him out and bop him with a stick, fren.

if it’s serious you should see a fren doctor for the crazies

Sometimes your brain needs help from Dr. Fren and that's okay. I get help from Dr. Fren. Sometimes Dr. Fren wants to be too frenly with pharma fren so be careful. Sometimes you just need a listening fren and that's okay, too.