Frens, just ended a 8.5 year relationship, she took my dog. Not our dog, my dog. I know I was an asshole sometimes but I don’t deserve this. My baby is is gone. My nonfren gf and dog where the only “family” I had. I guess I all I have is frens now. This hurts so much

10  2019-05-03 by Booner135


It gets better fren, maybe not right away, but it gets better.

Can you steal the dog back fren? She shouldn’t have taken the dog

No. I’m a giant fucking retard, I live in an rural area so I don’t worry about dumb laws, so I never got a license for my dog. For the 6 years I’ve had her she had only had my name and number on her collar. Nonfren is smart, she came while I was at work, during breakup, took her straight to getting her registered or licensed or whatever in her name. I don’t have any paper saying she’s mine. Now she does. I’m so dumb. I should have protect what I loved 😰

Do you have photos going back a while? That might help to demonstrate ownership?

Check and see if there’s free legal aid in your area fren. It might be a long shot, but it’s worth an hour finding out right?

Yes I have pictures, and people I’m sure that would testify. It would decently have to be legal aid :/ worth a look into. I can be an obsessive person, unless she moves away or something I’m not just gunna give up on my pupper. If nothing else I will try and get back with her until I can change that stuff and get my dog back, then dump her this time :(

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Sorry to hear about your dog. In time I hope you will be ready for and look forward to neew things but its oksy to be sad for a bit.

I will always be your fren, just remember we all love you fren

I'm sorry fren