Maybe I am a not-see, because I can not-see where the heck these baseless accusations are coming from!

109  2019-05-03 by startselect3


You also might have a Face Cist. See what I did there? Eh?... okay I'll leave.

That sounds gross.

this will destroy their logic brians

Nonfrens are always discriminating. Even against the not sees! You're still my fren, though.

They think bop is code for murder because they want to find hate in a place it does not exist.

It literally exists in almost every post on this shitty sub


I don’t wanna be your friend so no worries

everyone needs a fren

Not friends like you

maybe one day you will be my fren

Naw go fuck yourself

if you tried, you could be a great fren. but for now, you're just a sad clown.

We all need frens, it’s okay I forgive you for being a nonfren.

Your degree in Hatred Studies seems to be helpful in recognizing all different kinds of crypto-hateful content. I bet you could even decrypt some of it for us frens into proper hatespeech so we can also see what you see.
