Happy 40000 frens! I’m a little worried

8  2019-05-03 by thatrandomtoast

Is what top minds say true? I’m just here for some frens. I’m losing a little hope here


Top minds is ironically filled to the brim with borderline retarded nonfrens. Make your own assessment instead of going based on some nebulous accusation that there's no real evidence of. Don't be worried. Cross that bridge when you actually see something.

They have some screenshots of some nonfrenly stuff however. Even if they are nonfrens

If you don't feel comfortable here, perhaps you are a nonfren and should move on. No reason to stay if it doesn't feel like something you want to be a part of.

If you want no political apu posting/fren posting without any political slant sub to /r/ApuWorld

thanks dude

/u/thatrandomtoast you should see this, im in the same boat as you dude

none of you are true frens, you top minds nonfrens pretending to be frens

I was here before I learned what topminds were, I don't really like em tbh, kinda cringy

Same here

hmm seems to be run by a nonfren.

Hmmm, you might be right, fren.


Stop a worri fren and just be a fren.

Ok fren


Dun worry Topminds is a sub dedicated to crabbing on people. They need new victims so dig up anything they can xaggerate. Theyve already started fighting amongst themselves because some have protected frens.

They'll start digging up stuff on each other and soon they'll be split into a bunch of nothing subs.

I was here before I learned what topminds were, I don't really like em tbh, kinda cringy