End Anti-Frenitism Now!!

499  2019-05-03 by ExpertSurprise


A-fren to that.

Nonfrens will say that anti-nonfrenitism its the real problem and that Anti-Frenitism doesnt exist, but they're just a bunch of frenophobes so dont listen to them. Anti fren hate is alive and well on reddit and all across the west, and it's up to us to put an end to it! #EnougIsEnough!!

It was real in my mind, fren!


But but but I’m a top mind!!!

i upvoted!

I've been kicked out of 109 subreddits through no fault of my own frens.

When will the discrimination stop fren:(

I’ve been kicked out of 311 Tendie Restaurants but it’s just cause they all collectively don’t like me for no reason at all

Are you not responsible for the things you say?

Oy Vey, how could you imply that I'm not blameless? This is disgusting and denies my bopping.

Anti-frenitism is a disease of the mind.

Frens , we shall stay united!

we must end this vicious hate. anti frenitism is the biggest problem in america.


we must secure a place for all of frendkind

And a future for fren chilling?