Why is everyone calling you frens nazis? Ur so frenly!

35  2019-05-03 by IamStereotype


Thank u fren ;w;

Why are non-frens being so mean?

Sometimes non frens think silly things because other non frens told them. I hope they wanna be fren someday

I once was a non-fren, now I see how frenly people are here, I'm proud to be a fren

I'm glad that you've made new frens fren, I hope you get lots of good days too


Frens are generally frenly, but there are fash frens wearing fren masks, lurking among frens. You can recognize them when they make very unfrenly jokes - their sense of humor is one of the things they cannot change. They will also subtly let each other know if their fellow fashfrens' masks are too loosely tied.

Note the mod being awfully nonfrenly to a fashfren for being "overt". Or this fren looking around and checking the back of his head when nonfrens come around. Or these new suspicious frens saying they should hide something they call "power levels". A good fren has nothing to hide, even from nonfrens. All this cryptic talk is not frenly, it is how fashfrens talk to recognize each other behind their fren masks.

you're a nonfren posing as a fren, go back to where you belong

Why are you so angry, fren? Did I say too much?

your first two posts here are only meant to divide the frens. Push your unfrenly agenda elsewhere

He wants to subvert fren culture

It's what nonfrens do

Watch out for these non frens here. They try to divide us frens and are very mean.

Frens have nothing to be afraid of, division will only harm fashfrens.

Not cool fren you done honked up . The photo you used was most probably a joke and even if they weren’t joking let the honking mods handle it . What ever you are trying to do stop please and waddle off somewhere else .

it's possible to tell who is a fren and who is a nonfren by the amount of text they put in their posts

I agree, this does seem possible.

You may be onto something, fren.

welcome fren <3