Be frenly.

3  2019-05-03 by namelson2939


Fren you did a little spelling error on bottom, I think you meant "aren't". Very good art though fren.

Oh, I didn't realise that! Thanks. I am a non English speaker :)

Np fren :)

pssst fren! hey fren!

Use this I use it too

Oh, thanks! I'm not good at digital art, so I draw on paper :) but i'll try it

there are a few tricks to get used to but once you get them down it makes making art much easier.

Layering is my go to trick it makes things look smooth and you can fix mistakes on al layer underneath.

there are a few tricks to get used to but once you get them down it makes making art much easier.

Layering is my go to trick it makes things look smooth and you can fix mistakes on al layer underneath.