Frens, I fear this frenly war has only just begun. I will remain composed but I can’t sit back while power-tripping mods ban all people who oppose them. To all who are subscribed to topsmindsofreddit, I am inevitable. Good day frens.

20  2019-05-03 by Dropssshot


Imagine being so powerless and pathetic in real life that you get a sense of validation from banning one persons one account from one subsection of one website


Oh no not that, next you will take away my fake interweb points!

Exactly my point, these people are blinded by the hate they create while they believe that they are heros. Bad fren

I laugh fren but why are you being unfrenly to our fren teh clown?

Sorry fren, but I am a new fren. I was observing this internet squabble from a central point of view. I came to the conclusion that these clown frens want nothing but to spread unnecessary hate, whilst believing they are stopping it. Hehe, not very smart frens.

I think clown fren is still fren.

Everyone is a fren :) Some frens are just confused and we should help them along.

tfw you just wanted to explain the nonfrens dont represent the whole of the community and you get banned





Sorry fren, but I am a new fren. I was observing this internet squabble from a central point of view. I came to the conclusion that these clown frens want nothing but to spread unnecessary hate, whilst believing they are stopping it. Hehe, not very smart frens.