I’m afraid of moving past high school. I need some encouragement frens

17  2019-05-02 by Killerofbeast


I know how hard it can be. I just graduated last year fren. I can’t guarantee that you’ll keep up with all your friends cause tbh you just end up losing touch but you will always stay close to those great friends who truly love you and you love them. A lot even changed for me when I got out of high school. I lost weight, accepted my homosexuality, got a boyfriend, have new and exciting hobbies, and will be starting college soon. Good luck fren, we all love you here ☺️

don't worry, fren! it only gets worse from here!

Thank you!

Don’t drink the koolaid fren

Being an adult is pretty cool

I never cared for being a child. Children are allowed very little freedom and dignity.

Responsibility can actually be very rewarding