Beware of the fashfren, they pretend to be frenly and will call anyone who sees through them nonfrenly. With their fren and clown masks, they try to hide but good frens will not only see but call them out for who they are.

0  2019-05-02 by Ascimator


Non fren from chapononfrenhouse detected


We are true frens

Lots of work for true frens to do... I hear that even the greenest of frens may be wearing the fakest of fren masks.

Why be so unfrenly? Sowing mistrust among frens is very unfrenly

It would be a shame if frenworld was bopped because of fashfrens. Fashfrens will simply move on and find new masks to wear, while true frens will lose their frenly home.

fashfrens are the true frens, fren.

plebbitfrens like you are going to get bopped!

If you think fashfrens are true frens, your sub will get bopped soon.

Honestly, do you not just talk like a 4 year old but also have the mental capacity of one? I like pepe and especially peepo a lot, but associating yourself with fascists only makes the happy attitude of everyone else bitter.

Why do you have to destroy your own place like that?

get bopped, nonfren

I will think about you when I read the subreddit drama posts that your „frenly“ world gets bopped into quarantine and then gets the ban bop. Feels bad man that you abuse poor peepo like that :(

fren you are not being frenly

fashfrens are non frens that hate not-yet-frens

fashfrens drive away the not-yet-frens

so we must convert or bop the fashfrens

i will bop you now



I will bop you harder

It's like you're fading away fren! Where did you go?

Wow fren that's a weird post to be your first on the sub.

What is so weird about wanting to help new frens to expose fake fashfrens among them as an act of greeting, fren?

I think we both know you're pushing a false agenda and just trying to turn frens against each other. I know your real frens are over at trapochaphouse, go be with your real frens, nonfren.

My agenda is only to clean the name of frens, and I do not have to hide who else I am frens with. If you wish to find the fake frens who have something to hide from you, look closer at those who point out nonfrens the loudest.

Mods are gonna bop you nonfren and rightly so. Your first post here is just an attempt to sow discord among frens, one of the most typical characteristics of a nonfren. Always subverting frens just trying to be frenly, always perverting the simple act of frenliness. You nonfrens just can't leave frens alone to be frenly.

Next time when modfrens bop a fashfren, accusing him of making them look bad to nonfrens, watch them closely and see how they reach for the sides of their heads. Looks awfully like someone tightening their mask strings.

Wait a minute there nonfren, you're mad at mods for boppin frens you think are "fashfren"? But, you said to be careful of "fashfrens"? You've got me all confused here nonfren. If fashfrens are bad and mods are boppin em aren't mods good? How can mods be fashfrens if they're boppin fashfrens for being fashfrens?

You wearing an aluminum foil hat tonight nonfren? Take it off, is bad for your hair.

The mods will only bop those fashfrens who are not careful enough and drop their fren mask. This is clearly done not out of desire to clear frenworld of fashfrens, but out of fear that their own masks will slip. Fashfrens don't want other fashfrens to be around them without fren masks, as it will rightfully make all frens and nonfrens suspicious. You should not assume fashfrens are frenly towards each other, they are fake frens for a reason.

Note the mod being awfully nonfrenly to a fashfren for being "overt". Or this fren looking around and checking the back of his head when nonfrens come around. Or these new suspicious frens saying they should hide something they call "power levels". A good fren has nothing to hide, even from nonfrens. All this cryptic talk is not frenly, it is how fashfrens talk to recognize each other behind the masks.

Nonfren, the only requirement to be a fren is just be frenly. You could've come and put a picture of a happy fren and been frenly with us and I wouldn't have cared that you post in trapochaphouse and other lefty nonfren places. Instead you come in and try to turn frens against each other with your sage knowledge of mods supposed true intentions for bopping fashfrens.

We have frens from all over the ideological spectrum and mods do bop anyone too far on either fringe. The only agenda we push at frenworld is be frenly.

My knowledge only turns mask frens against each other, as they cannot stand to have their differences from frens pointed out. Frens will only benefit once fashfrens are no more and even nonfrens will be able to see that from far away.

Ok nonfren I think you're a weirdo taking the internet way too seriously. I'm gonna go play some vidya, auf wiedersehen.

Funny you say that when you were the one who started seeking for hidden motive in my public frenly announcement, fren.

Bop the non-frens

Im fren with people that dont put politics in everything, so you wanna be frens?

To not put politics in everything, there has to be no politics in that everything first, fren. It is fashfrens that hide politics in our innocent frenly discussion. Just like a package of spoiled crab sticks, those fashfren politics make the entire room stink but it's hard to find where they put them.

crab sticks

I’m intrigued, what in frenworld is a crab stick?!

Interestingly enough, it contains no real crabs. Fake frens hide packages of fake crabs - fitting.

You have no power here nonfren

Bewar the nonfren, they pretend to be fren.

Is easy to spot nonfren... " fren "


Respect the founders of frenworld please

nonfren shoo shoo this is a frenly sub

Bop the non-fren

It's like you're fading away fren! Where did you go?