We just wanne be frens...

1653  2019-05-02 by Daxior89


Dont let the silly non frens words get to you fren :)

Don't hang yourselves by association, frens.

Why cant we be frens😞



We can all at least strive to be frens until our heads are bashed in. 🎈

Always carry a bopper for self defense


side note:


i have publicly called out a few rapists over the past few years and every single time their first response is to tell me they have more frens.


So if the people over at r/topmindsofreddit dont want to be frens and already have a lot of frens, I feel like they are all just collectively trying to admit to something.


or, as my grandfather would say: if it walks and talks like a duck, its probably a duck.

If it hugs like fren and kisses like fren, it... probably proper Adolf.



Don't do it you're a fren!


I got banned for bopping in r/tophonkersofreddit


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you, you got what i need

We must be strong fren, we can't let them hurt us



nigga you’re like 40 years old getting upset over a subreddit about cartoon frogs LMAO rope yourself

That’s not very frenly, even if they are being nonfrens to us we should still be frenly to them

Some snakes cant help but eat themselves.


nah I don’t believe in that

Your anger is understanable my fren. But anger only hurts you in the end. So cheer up and ignore all these non-frens, my good fren.

"...rope yourself" and you call him a good fren. I mean you guys make it so obvious.


We're all good frens here, some frens are just misguided, kind of like you.

The nonfren he is talking to is being very rude to goodfrens maybe he should be corrected for his nonfren statement. But he's still a fren

It never too late to bring frogs to light, fren.


fren that is not frenly fren you are shaming us


We only want to be frens. There is nothing malicious going on here, fren

Keep telling yourself that.

Why are you so full of hatred, fren?

No virtue signaling.

why are you pretending to be a le moderate. are there any genuine beliefs in there or do you just post awful frenworld memes to show how redpilled you are

Listen fren, you can look through pur community and see for yourself there is no enemy here fren, we're just frenly frens but a few badfrens try to get us all bopped

yeah nah, that's a lie

Nice cherry picking fren

Imagine hating yourself this much you have to go to a frenly sub to try to make your pee pee feel bigger by spouting unfrenly speech. Take a look in the mirror you degen.

270 comment karma in 4 years? That's very unfrenly.


Das ist nicht nett.

Sausage beer lmao

Your anger is understanable my fren. But anger only hurts you in the end. So cheer up and ignore all these non-frens, my good fren.