Brigades worse than the blitzkrieg

2281  2019-05-02 by J-dogums


Sorry fren, had to bop your post, since it has no Apu.

English fren?


The fuck is an apu NIGGA

Oh no, you said the no-no word. Ima have to bop you now.

Apu is the green frog.

I love stonetosses comics, i forgot about them, thanks

You shouldn't. Stonetoss is holocaust denier

To be fair, writing 6 million comics in six years does seem like a lot...


Cringe and blue pilled


they will probably link this and say we're nazis for editing a stonetoss comic

Probably, fren. Probably:

No, with the popularity of r/antifastonetoss, they might think we got the templates from there

But it doesn’t matter, they act unfrenly


They need a good gassing

Well thas not very frenly fren

You are right fren, I uust had an old idea popping up

Listen fren this is a nice place and all these nonfrens saying lies is bad, but when you say stuff like this it's proving them right. I like fren world and it doesn't need this kind of shit Makin it actually bad.

Ok fren, I have destroyed ze evidence

Just stay positive fren

Genuinely curious, what is so bad about them?

Too much word, not enough funny

Maybe just not your type of funny?

Surely, them having different tastes does not hinder them from being frens now, does it?

Unfunny as frenk

What did the original meme say fren?

"Asuka is best girl" I think, lol

Y'know, playing up the meme that nahtzees are weaboos

r/stonehurtingjuice is better anyways


As if that hasn't happened before, fren.

More like because the title has blitzkrieg.

Top minds brought me here. They banned me for saying reddit was very PC and anti-white... They don't like the truth.

I mean, reddit is very PC and has been for a while, but I don't think I've ever really seen a lot of stuff (even comments) that I would call anti-white.


The entire America is very PC because you mongloids let the deranged and attention whores sway the general idiots into thinking what they're doing is normal. It's usually fine but when PC Americans try to police other countries' "racists ads" and other things, it gets nigh high ironic and unfrenly annoying. Remember the brainlet 3rd Gen American who were mad a white chick wore qipao to prom? The entire actual born in Asia Chinese community called him a fat retard. The entire PC culture is the very definition of insecurities, PoC activists are the very lowest bottom of it. Imagine knowing you are so fucking worthless that the only thing you're proud of is your skin colour, because that way at least you look like you're not a society parasite with a useless degree.



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Commencing explosive containment procedures, why? Because you are the bomb.

Thanks fren

I aim to misbehave, not rate myself.

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That's actually a really cool bot

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And thing happened to me

I literally got banned for commenting want to be frens on top minds

They're taking the knot sea thing too seriously fren.


I got banned for telling them to pm me to exchange our perspectives on this sub and have a mature discussion . I'd never been more polite in my life and I still got banned.

And one of their top posts is about free speech.

I guess they don’t want to be our frens :( I just don’t know why not :(

because they are losers and that is all they do. winning is to hard for people. Oppressed people have a very hard time getting out of toxic environments. Its what they know. And all they can do is try and bring you down to their level.


“Let no man pull you so low as to hate him.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

Remember, we don’t hate them, they can become our frens too, they just don’t want to :(


i know man. apparently they have all the frens they could ever need. but in todays world, its kinda nice not having too many frens.

well said, fren

Not very frenly people they are, fren


top mind user is an intellectual

Damn this is beautiful.

Thank you u/niggard_lover .

I’m so glad that all of us aren’t niggardly with our love amongst frens.



Ha ha! Thanks.

Thank you dearly for my 10 karma

You got it, fren.

Edit: thank you so much for my 2.5k karma fren

Good job.




Author: /u/userleansbot

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Author: /u/userleansbot

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Rule 1 of r/topmindsofreddit

Author: /u/userleansbot

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Man walks into a bar where there is a robot bartender. Robot asks man, "what will you have?" Man says "whisky". Robot asks man, "what is your IQ?". Man says. "160". Robot talks to man about space exploration, quantum mechanics, and advancements in medical technology. Man leaves bar and thinks, "wow! that was really interesting, think I will go back in." Man returns to bar.

Robot asks man, "what will you have?" Man says "whisky". Robot asks man, "what is your IQ?". Man says. "100". Robot talks to man about the NFL, basketball and NASCAR. Man leaves bar and thinks, "that is unbelievable, think I will try that one more time." Man returns to bar.

Robot asks man, "what will you have?" Man says "whisky". Robot asks man, "what is your IQ?". Man says. "60". Robot leans over and says, "so , you voted for Hillary?"

Feel free to steal my joke and replace with YOUR least favorite politician.



Author: /u/userleansbot

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This is funny

I got banned for saying that i don’t think this is a hate video

pure love


Author: /u/userleansbot

Analysis of /u/J-dogums's activity in political subreddits over the past 1000 comments and submissions.

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i’m not left though lol. i just like discussion.

/u/userleansbot Mr7FootCock

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I got banned from top minds today for commenting "I bet they use the white power handsign too >:("

👌👍 It ok fren, just a frenly gesture

Ahh we are just childish nazis why are people against us?


Author: /u/userleansbot

Analysis of /u/J-dogums's activity in political subreddits over the past 1000 comments and submissions.

Account Created: 7 months, 20 days ago

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/r/politicalhumor left 3 5 1 0

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Love that there seems to be a competition of the top mind sub. Just hope that low-tier political propaganda from either side won’t flood r/all.

Let’s try this out. u/userleansbot deadly_rat

we must ally with r/mildlyinteresting

we must make frens to take down the nonfrens, frens

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stonetoss is a fren

He is not.


Nonfrens OUT OUT OUT

nonfrens are downvoting this

why do the nonfrens persecute us so?

Stonetoss is no fren


He's mean to frens and is not wholesome


Enjoy the boo

I'm concerned about the nonfren influence in frenworld, it seems that unchecked nonfren immigration is changing the character of frenworld

Yes fren, they have to go back. We need a wall to protect frenworld from the hordes of nonfrens

what will we do about all of the nonfrens already here?

Bop them

Hahaha of course you Nazis are using a stonetoss comic.

Fucking Nazis.

You think this is bad?

There is whole sub dedicated to using stonetoss comics!


you should go there and report them and call them nazis

He replied to the other guy but not you because your comment eviscerated him and he had no response

I just wanna be frens :( also read top comment.

There's no place for you Nazis in the modern world. You racists will never win.

Why do you have to hate fren? I like frens of all races.

Yo soy mexicano

Soy is right

I lost my Spanish tongue




Frens not Nazis ;'(


NPCs cant be frens I guess :(



I fucking love this bot.



Ignoring the massive sub that makes Antifa shit outta stonetoss I see.

Frenworld is already twice as big as those nonfrens

Please fren we want to live in peace




And thing happened to me

He replied to the other guy but not you because your comment eviscerated him and he had no response

/u/userleanbot nerdyandfit

/u/userleansbot nerdyandfit

Author: /u/userleansbot

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u/userleansbot u/AvionixHatter

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"Asuka is best girl" I think, lol

Y'know, playing up the meme that nahtzees are weaboos

Thank you dearly for my 10 karma

Yes fren, they have to go back. We need a wall to protect frenworld from the hordes of nonfrens