"a disgusting display of hate and bigotry"

1212  2019-05-02 by FoxDieEeE


Just look at all those vile Nazis! I'm pretty sure that doggo is literally Reinhard Heydrich!

Umm I saw a comment on frenworld saying they were a male and liked girls... Thats incredibly problematic and misogynistic in 2019 and I think that person probably is a "crypto-nazichud-fascist-terf" who idolizes Rommel

I bet they were typing in English too. The language of the world's most violent colonizers! It's like they just can't help display their racist bigotry everywhere! When will the admins shut down that fascist breeding ground?!?!?

Don't forget they also speak in crypto fashon code words to hide their saiyan power levels!!!1!1

Start speaking Russian to make frens feel more comfortable.

Cat fren’s are good frens. They happy when pet and I happy 2.

I have both mien snugglin fren!

You're pretty good. Happy cake day fren!

Happy cake day fren



look at all dese nice pure green frens being frenly.

Top minds nonfrens are the real nathzees. We just want to be frenly

I still don't understand why the nonfrens hate us

when i'm feeling upset with unfrens i like watching the little frens https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/bh5wu9/just_my_everyday_morning_routine/

Death to all nazis quirky nazis or not

Im german and my family were Nazis about 80 years ago. I know what Nazis are like, the people here are not Nazis. But if your life is so boring that you need to invent an enemy that you dont even fight other than with a keyboard, then i feel sorry for you


Well said, fren!

Luckaly we are not nazis :)


