Just a fren here to tell you that even lgbt frens are allowed here in frenworld! Don't let nonfrens tell you otherwise.

456  2019-05-02 by pinkpurplebluepride


Wrong frog.

all frens welcome 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 :)


Oh give me a break, you think I'm all shocked by it so I'm up here bashing it because I don't like gay people? I DON'T LIKE THEM PUTTING CHEMICALS IN THE WATER THAT TURN THE FREAKIN' FRENS GAY! DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?? -slams papers on desk repeatedly- I'm sick of this crap! I'm sick of being social-engineered, it's not funny!!


one of the world's most widely used pesticides, wreaks havoc with the sex lives of adult male frogs, emasculating three-quarters of them and turning one in 10 into females

Just watch it be shown as an example of hatespeech lol

Just watch it as TMOR take it wayyyy out of proportion and eventually is the comment that will lead us to being quarantined, even though it’s an obvious “chemical making the frogs gay” joke.

I'm a bifren and I feel like this and r/RightwingLGBT are the most inclusive subs I've been on.


People on other lgbt subs persecute me because I don't agree with a few things :<

I can without a doubt say that I'm not a political person and don't inform myself on politics enough to be right or left wing, I'm just a simple bifren. But! No LGBT subs should persecute anyone for what they do or don't agree on, just so long as they're respectful.

You sound like a good fren

Hi fellow bi fren, can confirm. Made a post about socialism not being ideal and got harassed on lgbt sub

Welcome fren! Hope you're happy as heck :)

I've been here a while fren!

Oopsie, sorry fren am stoopid

I'm sorry fren but this is smug frog not apu

Oh? Sorry, new to the sub. Thank you for telling me, I'll be sure to double check next time fren!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Apu pepe is retard frog and smug pepe is standard pepe

I think they're both redrawn from the og feels good man, but Apu is uhh a special fren yes

Please refrain from such ableist language fren!

All sodofrens welcome here, as long as frenly

Just got banned on TMOR for posting this frens.

That's very unfrenly of them.

Give me one too!

mE DEfiNiTLey nOt A hUgE FagGoT mE kNow GEnEtiKs VeWy WeLL yOuR sKuLL hAZ DiS sHaPe dAt dEteRmiNe iQ mE tOTaLLy nOt a CoMPLeTe reTaRd mE PeNiZ iZ vEwY BiG WiKe tChWuMp DEfiNtLy nOt miCroPeNiS iF bLaK hAvE BiGgEr pEniS iZ dAt mEaN dEy SeXuALLy sUpeRiOr mE hOpE nOt mE DeFiNiTLey nOt A DuMb DuMb

I love homofrens! They leave more big milkies for me and drive up my property value.

Continue to be fabulous, frens!

Well spoken fren!

Bifrens too?

Yay! New frens, you are welcome!

Can I still be frens with LGBT frens even if I don't agree with their life choices? I won't be unfrenly.

Yeah! I don't understand what's wrong about that, you can be frens with people who's religion differs, you can be frens with LGBT people even if you have different personal beliefs. Just so long as everyone's frenly and having a good time :)


Friendly frens are welcome

We're all frens no matter and we'll fight to protect our frens no matter what or who they are

Thanks fren! I’m a homofren so it means a lot.

a fren is a fren, no matter what the fren likes <3

i not gay fren

but gay fren is still good fren


only if they’re frenly




How bout a-frens

Everyone regardless of age, gender, religion or race is a fren. Nobody is a nonfren till they try to bop us.

Im bifren and I agree! Frenworld is world for all frens :)

All frens are equal and I love all my frens 😘

Agreed, all frens no matter their race, sexuality, gender religion or anything are allowed in fren world as long as they swear to always be a good fren.

I'm bifren and here is the frenliest place around

That's very unfrenly of them.

Give me one too!