Hello Frens! I'm a mighty Wizad here to help you with your troubles, what ales you?

19  2019-05-02 by chewerboi


I’m just sad sometimes tbh :( and people hate me cause I like anime

Get a stuffed animal to hug fren! It won't always get rid of the sadness, but a big hug to a stuffed animal can help out a little bit. Gives you a warm feeling of hope and love.

Thank you :)

I hope you find happiness soon fren <3


/r/topmindsofreddit picking on us is what ails me...

It's okay fren, I'll make a protection spell to keep us all safe. I appreciate you for your strength in these hard times

too many nonfrens here, that's for sure fren

They'll end up leaving us alone fren, all we need to do is be frenly to them. People will see they're being silly, we just need to stay strong.

i wish that were true fren. i wish tha were tru

It is true, we just need to be frenly. Win them over with love and frenlyness. If we give in, the nonfrens win.

well, fren, you give me confidence

we will get thru this fren

Peeps call me alt-right because I'm a fren.

Even though I'm pretty left leaning...

You know fren, I don't care about politics in people. Left or right doesn't matter, as long as you're frenly, you're my fren.

As long as people are frenly to all people despite skin color, sexual orientation or religion, they're my fren too!

I appreciate you fren.

I appreciate you, too.

I just got a fine payment that will bleed me for the next 6 months fren.