how did we end up here frens?

1430  2019-05-02 by BaconToez


truth is the game was honked from the start

Based and new vegas pilled

It's a good thing guys. You must trust the genius of the frog

I was banned trying to talk to the nonfrens ):

Worry not, fren. If you no go to mountain, mountain grow legs and come to you. Watch out for griefers and frenly fire. And be safe, fren. 🎈

angery over a clown frog and a happy frog. imagine being this mad

Cannot imagine, my fren. No such education, unfortunately. ):


It truely is clown world fren :(

What even is clown world?

Like Alice in Wonderland where everything is what it isn't. Men being women, violent religions treated as peaceful, everyone should be diverse but not if they aren't white, etc...

Serious me here, all that sounds very political and you’re entitled to your own opinions. It’s just I don’t know why that would be a part of a sub like this.

He gave a solid example of things that aren't real but we pretend they are, like alice in wonderland, learn to read fren

I know what he means tho, and it’s pretty political. I’m assuming men being women refers to trans ppl. Diversity doesn’t apply to white ppl is also a very political statement aswell

Political frens also frens.

I’m not trying to say otherwise, but politics is rather unfrenly and you should keep it for political subs

Telling frens what they meant by what they said shows one's mind is 100% completed.

So, I can’t exercise criticism? You don’t have to take it but I’m just putting my observations out there.

Because this sub is actually a very thinly veiled metaphor for white supremacy. It's all over the place, the clowns are lgbtq/sjw/brown ppl whatever, frens are all european whites etc. It's very similar to pibble posting but slightly more hidden

Hey fren let me get an ice pack for you, you must hurt after reaching that far!

Maybe the clownworld thing is but I’ve mostly seen harmless memes here

Clown world is way worse about it. Here there's at least a mix but the elements are all still there. It's actually more nefarious imo cuz they mix it in with regular posts

Ye, the regular posts on here are cute and funny but I can’t help but notice non-fren activity

Frenly fire not ok. All griefers should get bop.



do you have a fever fren? i'll go get you some water and an ice pack as well

My sides


jesus christ man, you're the reason why this sub is being seen as an alt-right sub


Sorry I'm explaining things.

Are you saying that if we do not think the same as you we are the baddies?

A non-frenly one :/

Yeah that’s what I thought tbh

Clown world is where you frenly with frens and clown comes and separates you all and shows tricks to each individually hoping you don't see behind the red nose. But with frens together red nose transparent.

The way you put it it seems more like some philosophical metaphors mixed with an absurdist meme. However unfortunately just like pepe I see it only used in a right wing political sense to mean the collapse of western civilization which is apparently happening.

Individual intentions doesn't matter. It's all about who's better versed in hateful ideas and can see what was aCtUaLlY meant.

If fren doesn't know about a particular branch of hatred, it doesn't release fren from responsibility, for "I see what you meant, because I know everything about modern art of hatred! I have studied it. And I will translate your statements in hatespeech for world to understand what you actually meant. I'M A HATRED GRADUATE AND I'M A HATESPEECH TRANSLATOR! Bow."

Well, what is clown world then? I’ve never seen anyone use it in a non political way. Even if you’re using it for the sole purpose of memes, why that character? Since it’s associated with politics.

Because it recognizes the absurdity of modern day.

So it’s more of a placeholder character for anything absurd about the modern day?

Woooah, wait there, the Honkpill is the key to the acceptance of pure reality

Basically that observation that the modern world is totally insane

Honk honk

The game was honked from the very beginning

Nice mustacho from that guy frens ;)

He just stole it from Charlie Chapfren. Adolf is not frenly!!!


Begone evil nonfren!


woe unto those who call the righteous by evil, and who supplant the good for unjust.

I came here because I heard of crazy scary place by xomeone whose smart and really well read based and sciency about everything (except feels cause quantum makes feels real cause observer effect, all sciences know this) according to votes, but all I see is frens.

Clowns get bopped

Clowns can be frens

Can confirm - I'm a frenly clownfren

i apologize for the unfrenly stereotype fren. many honklers aren't nonfrens, but most nonfrens are always honklers.


This is why we bop the Clowns! Don’t take the honkpill frens

imagine pulling out tweets that are obviously mocking the top minds and they take it for real

Yes they are, Frenler was a true fren

plz come back Frenler, we miss you

We have to strike back

Sad honk

Me on the left


Serious me here, all that sounds very political and you’re entitled to your own opinions. It’s just I don’t know why that would be a part of a sub like this.

jesus christ man, you're the reason why this sub is being seen as an alt-right sub

Well, what is clown world then? I’ve never seen anyone use it in a non political way. Even if you’re using it for the sole purpose of memes, why that character? Since it’s associated with politics.