Now that's not very frenly!!!

0  2019-05-02 by KineadV


oooh can i bring tendies and get free hunnie mussy? that's super frenly!

This more spicy garlic, fren, watch ur buds in those tendies!

Vary ontrapranewial of you fren!


The police are spraying the violent nonfrens.

They don't look very violent there, fren, sitting and taking that spicy spray to the face. Might wanna clean room for awhile and think about it.

Maybe it's a cleaning spray to help them smell better while protesting?

Dunno, hope they didn't use it on our grammies when they protested for the right to vote for tendies, they always smell nice.

Edit, grannies and tendies both

Dunno, hope they didn't use it on our grammies when they protested for the right to vote for tendies, they always smell nice.

Edit, grannies and tendies both