I joined when there were ~800 people but turns out y’all are actually just uneducated white supremacist garbage 🗑. Hope you figure it out.

0  2019-05-02 by KY_PeanutButter


that dont seem frenly

is it a nonfren

go away meanie

The escalation of fren to nonfren went very fast.

Why are you so unfrenly? ;-;

wot mean fren? I no racism, im communism

I am jewfren, wat you mean


Also the fact of the matter is it might be funny to play with the white nationalists but they are scum and this game y’all play is actually big REeeeeeeeE so think about what you are contributing to and don’t ignore the obvious signs that’s how you end up in a hate group you incel wannabes.

you sound angry nonfren.

You want a hug fren?

hugs are nice fren.


is everything ok?

These guys are litterally just going around saying "can u be my fren?" is this some sort of trolling?



I touched your mommies butthole with my peeper, fren

Sonnenrad right you uneducated fuck ? You think you are edgy ? I think you are a giant pussy you cousin banging white pride fuck.

Literally garbage 🗑 human life being wasted on such a poor excuse of a disturbed human being is a shame. Haha yay school/ temple shooters right, sonnenrad it up you literal pile of human refuse. Your redeeming quality is most likely all the content comedians garner just looking at your trashy ass.

Subscribe to Pewdiepie, fren

Lol yeah I figured you were 15, you still have time to not end up a piece of garbage I hope you grow up to realize what you are doing.

A potsmoking weeb who begs for attention from gonewild THOTs should really throw stones, fren.

Maybe you are just mad because you didn't get your autism meds today?

At least I’m not a sad kid who’s parents don’t pay attention to him so he has to spend all his time with pewdiepie while fapping to pictures of my first cousins you disgusting fuck.

lol u mad

Yeah I think I hit it pretty square on the nail after that last response I just got haha try after school activities or taking a shower, brushing your teeth or washing your clothes. Kids might stop making fun of you if you do.

Graduated in 2001, fren. But nice try. Are you so angry because mommy's breath smells like other mens dicks when she kisses you?

Graduated 18 years ago watches content made for 15 year olds has the temperament and insults of a 15 year old and seemingly stopped retaining knowledge and developing social skills at 15. So yep no matter what the drivers license you would have if you were legally allowed to drive would say you are 15. And garbage. Don’t forget you are garbage.

Lol, ur so mad it makes me laugh, fren

Disgusted FTFY

C'mon fren, chimpout some more

😂 c’mon refuse deflect your insecurities some more.

Nice grammar fren.

Whoop there it is.

It shows your post time, retard. I can see you retroactively tried to "call it"

Hilarious XD

Yeah you beat me to the punch was typing as you did it :/ unfortunate to be sure.

Can’t think of anything other than saying I’m mad / next you will probably point out my grammar because you don’t like how other people perceive you and your actions. Literally garbage. Don’t forget. You are garbage and the majority of the world sees you as what you are that’s why you hide here behind Pepe memes. Oh and you are garbage.

you should breath between your rants nonfren.

Doubt it

I only come here to look at funny pepe pictures, How can I be " white supremacist garbage " if I'm not white fren?

I used to come here for that too. Sad thing is it’s a shill for deeper racism than a meme that used to be used as a poor depiction of French people.

Who hurt you, fren

someone bop this nonfren he is boring.

😂 boring because right. Have fun fascists and all those unknowingly/ jokingly supporting fascists.

you sound like you need a hug fren


That was the most pathetic post i've ever seen here. But unlike you we are not hateful and cringy, you won't get the reactions you expect, be gone

Nope because if you showed your true face you would be dox’d like sonnen is.

Nooooo how could you see straight into me ??? Are you some kind of genius ?

Nope just not garbage like you and your Honkler pals.


:,( So unfrenly.

14 👌

I joined when there were ~800 people

I doubt it.

Nonfren alert, bop

That wasn't very nice fren.

C'mon fren, chimpout some more

Yeah you beat me to the punch was typing as you did it :/ unfortunate to be sure.