Being frens is more important than politics

597  2019-05-02 by WPLibrar2


I used to be political. I went through all the ideologies. But actually the frens here made me realize what is most important. This is not a place to become political through hidden tactics. It is actually a place to give up your politics. That is why the nonfrens don't like it.

Exactly fren you hit nail on head with hammer

Same here; I don't like politics anymore. Here I find a sort of haven away from all that, away from all the negativity politics brings. This is a place for frens being frenly, and it's a happy place because of it.

I like politics, but to be frenly you have to disregard political views and see the person you’re talking to, fren or nonfren.

Online Politics are for 17-19 year olds

Why does the book need power fren?

Is e-book

Is the e-book good fren?

Very good fren, my e-book can look directly into frenworld!

es the book need p

finally a community i feel worth participating fren! thx for this lovely post

Politics is downstream from culture

Culture is downstream from frenship

make frens with everyone, frens inherit the earth

i communism. is i stay fren?



I'm happy to share my tendies with my frens, but if you start making frens relinquish their tendies through the threat of violence from a bloodthirsty authoritarian state, then we have a problem, fren.

I assume if you're here you're friendly though so we gud fren.

Author: /u/userleansbot

Analysis of /u/overheadplane's activity in political subreddits over the past 1000 comments and submissions.

Account Created: 4 months, 1 days ago

Summary: This user does not have enough activity in political subs for analysis or has no clear leanings, they might be one of those weirdo moderate types. I don't trust them.

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You can be fren as long as you frenly and not evil

is fren gonna eat and not help sow? if so fren is greedy fren and no good

Frens must stick together from now on! Many frens have been fooled by anti-frens that identifying with their fellow frens is a grave immorality, while non-frens and especially anti-frens are actively encouraged to work together, at great expense to frens. We must reject this anti-fren propaganda and work together, no matter our economic and social disagreements.

You're right fren, but sometimes we need politics to protect frenworld so we can remain frenly.

I’m glad u recycle fren


There's good ships and wood ships, ships that sail the sea. The best ships are frenships, and may they always be!

Day of bop when?

Fuck Kerl Marks and Adelf Hidler!

But what if they became frens? Hmmm.

Frens dont participate in ruining other frens world. Then be nonfrens or honkers.

this is the realist thing fren. and tbh i never cared about pols anytime in my life cuz it all is nonfrenly. even thou almost anyone i know is heavily involved. now finding this community i feel im not alone anymore thanks you all my frens <3 i love you all for real.

Who is Apu tho? I hear him alot but I not know who he is,

Apu is the name of the frenfrog

Good recycling fren

I am mexican ancap but I respect fren

Torilla, fren!

Is that an Austrian imperial flag on the bin?

No as an austrian myself I would never recycle that fren! That is an ancap flag to cover the political spectrums

im a firm believer in the need for the boptatorship of the frenletariat