Oh noes! I have to go to Ganada for business soon! Are Ganadians frenly?

372  2019-05-02 by S0NNENRADICAL


Not to you.

Hello fren, expect a visit from my Secret Service frens soon!

That's what he gets for messing with the Frensident! >:D

Don't bootlick, fren, question authority.

Throw off the blinders.


You are welcum two play with my toys when you're here fren :)

From what I understand, yes fren.

Berta is fren tier. BC is not fren but is nice.

Fren, pls take back what u said about BC. I live here and its very frenly

I'm going to Alperta, fren!

I’m a aperta fren!

Do they have gud tendies there fren?

That looks super yummy fren!

Calgary is pretty frenly. If you want to know a nice frenly place to eat there let me know fren.

Frenly in Edmontun too fren. Good trendies at fat burgler fren. Munch munch.

Edmonton is full of nonfrens, rest of province is frenly

I'll see u there, fren! We're really nice this time of year.

Your username isn't very frenly fren

How is that fren? Sonnen energy makes the Ecolite battery and it's pretty radical. Especially when you team it up with the new Ecolinx hub

Science is cool fren!

Methinks your username is a clever usage of the word Sonnenrad

Maybe you just see nazis everywhere because you need to be the victim, or signal your virtue constantly for societal validation, fren

I'm not saying your a Yahtzee fren I'm just saying maybe that's a poorly choice name fren:(


Very frenly here

Like a lot of our places, they are frens being led by clowns! Also can be cold, fren

I have many frens from there, super frenly frens.

Not really, fren. The whole 'nice' thing is just for appearances, they're two-faced.

As far as I know fren!

Ganada very frenly. Don't go to guebec though. They non frens.

They talk funneh talk ther

I didn’t know I was non fren sorry

Rural gebec is very umm .. exclusionary fren

some are fren but there are many nonfrens, it depends on where you go.

Tim Horton's coffee is a good fren please try it

Ask for double double if you want them to think yer kewl

That is a very nice moose fren.

Yes, and Alaskans are frens too

I live there and it matters where you go

Everywhere is nice but in big cities there is always going to be that rough street

Hello fren I am a fren from Canada

Yes, much more than Americans in Alberta

Stop by for tendies fren!

they are the same as americans but colder