Thank you nonfren brigades for providing us with enormous amounts of new frens!!

2645  2019-05-02 by CIA_watches_me_pee


Once they see our Frenliness they can't help but want to be a part of it!


Hi new frens. I joined earlier this week when I saw top_minds_of_reddit being mean. Why can't they just be frens?

Frenly mind sees it's own flaws.

Ironic, in their hope to destroy frens, they made more frens


im a proud new fren

If bein a fren makes nonfrens angry, then I want to be a fren!

i am a new fren and recently unsigned from TopMinds. glad to be here fren

Every one like frens.

we have the best frens - the best!

notice the explosive amount of subscribers at the end of april when top minds joined in on the witchhunt. We're getting more over 500 new frens every day!

I remember at the start of frenworld we got very exited about every 1000 new frens. We've come this far frens, don't let the nonfrens piss all over our party!

With more subscribers, admins may want to ban us. We must keep low-profile.

Why? We don't break any rules

Against_hate_subreddits & top_minds_of_reddit are against us. Love will conquer. Be frens with them.

Not even that, some nonfren scumbags have snuck in. We must make sure we root them out to keep the sub frenly

truFrens only.

must keep our FrenGroup pure /🤡🌍

Yeah like this shit is not what we need

you do not post like a fren, why did you say "we"? have my eye on you fren.

And you non-frens have the gall to call US woefully unsubtle..

you need to lighten up fren.

this is obviously sarcasm.

No, be frenly to nonfrens and they will eventually want to be frens too. Once you are nonfrenly you are participating in destroying frenworld as well

Yes, I am referring to the scum who call for ethnostates. We have at least two people from here who want that, they're making this sub dodgy AF, and if it is indeed some dodgy alt right mess, I made a mistake joining.

Nonfrenly you are here fren

Nonfrenly? Does that refer to my words or my sentiment? The ethnostate nonfrens have made this sub a mess, unless I've been fooled and it always was a mess

Your words. They are full of anger and hate. Nonfrens, left and right, can be made frens by being frenly to them because they will give up their ways here. I did too. Being unfrenly to them is just doing what they do.


Start with your room, fren, before dusting out a sub.

I would rather see those who would cause this sub trouble and risk it being banned, removed.

Sub is not the end goal. Frenship is.

i have idea frens


we make this a sub

where all frens

even with bad idea

or good idea


are fren

because every good ide

can be bad ide for other fren

an every bad ide

can be good for other fren


but if we all fren

and all hapy with other fren unconditonally


then we truelly be the frenliest sub

we make this a sub

where all frens

even with bad idea

or good idea

We must make sure though that no trolls misuse the freedom they're given. We must make sure they don't spread bad ideas, we must make sure we either change the minds of those who think of bad things like wanting ethnostates. Or this sub is doomed to fail. I subbed because I thought this was another wholesome meme sub, but apparently it either isn't or it harbours unfrenly people.

yes fren

But the difference between fren and birdcager, is that birdcager tries to change ideas with anger and hate, only making others even more unfrenly, while we try to change with frenlyness

Then we must make those who corrupt the sub see reason. Some nonfrens will never change however and we must acknowledge that

yes, it is inevitable, but we must work hard to win frens and maek everybody happy

Only nonfrens control discussion, frens allow frens to have their own views. You don't sound very frenly

Only nonfrens control discussion

Then we should show them the flaws in their "ethnostate" and other ideas.

Yes, frens should have discussion! That's the frenly way to handle disagreement.

If being frenly is doomed to fail, then I guess we be frenly again tomorrow. Until succeed.

Yeah those guys need a boppin’

Boppin' isn't very frenly fren

The only way to stop a bad guy with a bopper is a good guy with a bopper

Bad guy bops, good guy listens and argues.

What do you have against Israel fren?

The nonfren is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a nonfren and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

I am talking of the so called frens who join this sub then go off to other subs calling for ethnostates. The best part was this guy was Finnish.

Yes, clearly Finland is for everyone in the whole world to move to! Not like Israel, the only country that's allowed to be an ethnostate.

I have a radical idea: Maybe we should accept all frens, even if we don't like their ideas. Otherwise we aren't being frenly. Convince with words, not with bops.

Israel isn't an ethnostate tho is it? I mean, you have a majority arab population there don't they? Sure accept frens but make sure we show them the problems with their ideas and also take criticism well.



Allowing implies control. Frens don't try to control frens. Each do their own and don't step on toes.

I see you saw my comment, fren! We keep weeds out of our yard!


Frens don't, no fren invaders will and use that as evidence to ban

Nonfrns are tricky. Be smart frens.

You don't need to break rules to get admin-nonfrens to bop you.

All you really have to do is be a fren and ahsr will try to get rid of you

That's never mattered, the bop comes whether you follow the rules or not. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

For what?

Trump is a Russian Asset

Covington Catholic kids are literally Nazis

Mattress Girl was raped.

Jussie “The Norm” Smollett

Clowns poking fun at SJW hypocrisy are literally Nazis.

LItERALLy he second coming of Socrates, Jesus, Isaac Newton


*pulls hat from head, and slowly rises*


I am but a poor immigrant, driven from my homeland by degenerates. We fought, but were cast out by the Reddit overlords. I seek only refuge with fellow frens. Also, I know how to cook pretty well, and I shower regularly.

They want to bop our frenship, but it will only grow and prosper.

Even if they try to ban us we always have backups like /r/ApuWorld or /r/Apustaja

Thanks fren, your are the best for showing frens secret hang out spots.

I remember when a fren showed me frenworld.

You can bop a fren, but you can't bop a frenship.




we have now made a discord. feel free to join. we have a minecraft server also

Discord link

>minecraft fren serb

I didn't know I wanted this

Discord is no good, they're run by non-frens and bop all the frens like Sargon and Count Frenula. Riot is much better fren.

the power of frenship always wins

Balloon revolution against clown rule. 🎈🎈🎈


As one of the April new frens, I just wanted to say.. Hi frens. :]

You are very welcome here fren

I am one of today's frens :)

I am all frens on this blessed day.


New fren here , i like this peaceful and positive place :D

fren, i recently joined few days ago

i dont understand why nonfrens hate the sub

all i see is frenly people

They hate us cuz they aint us.

But they can be

anyone can be a fren if they're frenly

Well shit I just found you guys right now,.... I didn't know this sub existed until someone bitched about it.

Hello frens :)

welcome fren, enjoy your stay, and please be wary of non-frens posing as true frens. we have been invaded by the top minds (>!retards!<) of leddit and we must be vigilant of a coup trying to get us banned like another subreddit which shall go unnamed


remember to bop all non frens and we will stay a happy and frenly community of frogs

Hi and welcome fren! Hope you enjoy your stay here :D


Because nonfrens don't understand that they can be frens too, they think we are nonfrens to them

a lot of nonfrens dont have enough ripples on their brains, this makes different pinions nonfrenly to them. poor poor smooth brain nonfrens :(


They can come, but they have to come in frenly.

Yeah that’s how I found out about this sub lol

Same for me fren

Hello frends, I just discovered this sub. Can I be frend?

Wow that might be too far my fren. Let's just be frens!

I didn't mean to put you in the frenzone...

I gotta thank the nonfrens for finding my treu frens

They’ll never learn.😅

They are complete. Nothing to subtract or add.

well hi i am new on this sub..

Take this 🎈and join in, fren.


gj Frens!

Just don't let them subvert and change our frenly culture!

Report frenly fire.


Why nonfrens so mean to my frens :(


Your welcome fren

New fren checking in

henlo, one of the new frens here! happy to find other frens, such a frenly place to be!

Thanks nonfrens!

Hello frens!

Hey fren! Fren five! 🤚


Precisely. I like all my frens

wow! i love making new frens!


Mission failes, we'll get em next time

I have joined as a friend

Only here because of the rumours. I arrived, saw this place is a harmless area for frens to make frens. Since then i have subscribed. You can all count me as a fren


I'm here to be with frens and to watch more TDS displacement anger occur.

its time for honklers and frens to unite

Hello I am a new Fren :)

i have idea frens

we make this a sub

where all frens

even with bad idea

or good idea

are fren

because every good ide

can be bad ide for other fren

an every bad ide

can be good for other fren

but if we all fren

and all hapy with other fren unconditonally

then we truelly be the frenliest sub

Who is doing the brigading? Leftist SJW Cucks?

Man I remember when we where getting all hyped of over 4K! New frens always welcome! Non-frens are being frens on accident, the frens will always win

fren, I came here due to the controversy surrounding the non-frens. But I do not wish ill-will nor any bops towards the non-frens, since they led me to new frens

Hello frens, I joined recently

I don't really understand the nonfrens, we're just trying to be frenly


Yey to fren all around the globe

Are we famous frens?

Got a new subscriber. Thanks Top Cucks of Reddit

Thanks non-frens! We still want you bopped though!

:3 <3

Frenworld will never capitulate!

Can confirm, heard unfrenly sayings about this flenly place. Now I feel I am with true frens

Recently joined frens

I’m glad I found frenworld so now I can have many frens!

I'm new fren.
Hello new frens! :)

I would've never found this place had it not been for them. I was lost, finally am found.

That's beautiful fren :)

New sub here. I come from r/subredditsDrama

Same for me fren

