Frens, open for a frenly message

1337  2019-05-02 by Pyro_monkey666


thank you fren, I love you too.

hell yea brother


I love you too, fren Have a good day

I love you both

Awww fren thank u big time.

I was scared of a end game spoiler there fren, close call

Tony Stark dies

Thor joins the Guardians of the Galaxy

Captain America is a black man now

bro no spoilers! i was gonna see it with my other frens today!

Now you can watch something good instead.

Stop being a dickhead

Such nonfren

I thought this was a frenly subreddit

It is fren. I've saved you time. Now you don't have to watch the movee.

Oh, tank u fren. I guess it is good that I already watched the movee.

We all make mistakes fren. I hope you can forgive yourself.

I am cunfused fren. Why?

Is trash-movee

Okay fren. Whatever you say. I trust that u mean good to me :D

You’re a good spirit fren

Dick head


Was going to spoil Endgame, but I then decided no to do such a meenmeen thing to fellow frens, only to Honklers and nonfrens.

That makes you a nonfren

I love you too fren, no homo

I love you both

"Omg did you see the latest alt right dog whistle on frenworld"? - top minds

beeeep <3 booop <3 beeeep <3 boooop


I love you fren I hope you have a wonderful day

much love to all my frens aswell <3 stay stronk

this made my day! thanks, fren! good frenship!

i upmodded all posts here, because you are frens


I love you too fren

Thanks fren really made my morning beat day to you

aww thank I love all my frens

Love you too fren! Have a great day!


thank you to all frens the frenmance will forever stay

Thank you fren, i love you too

I’ve just received a telegram; the scienceticians have gotten back to me with the results.

They say “I love you too”

thx fren, i love you in a platonic way only

thanks fren, that was needed

heart warmed

Aww thanks fren, i needed this

I love you too frens, you guys matter and don't let the nonfrens tell you otherwise

I love you both

Thank you fren <3


I was scared, fren. Endgame spoilers are everywhere.

Thank you fren. Love you.

very frenly, yes. good representation of the sub, yes. I love you too, fren.

Fren love you too

I love you too fren.


I love you fren

I love you too fren.

I love you both

bro no spoilers! i was gonna see it with my other frens today!

I thought this was a frenly subreddit

You’re a good spirit fren

Dick head