gay frens found true love :)

103  2019-05-02 by snowiekitten


Am happy for frens for becoming more than frens :)

Yay, good for our frens!



You will need some aids to assist you in setting up the wedding, frens!

What kind of failed-at-being-subtle-homophobic type shit. . .

I'm so glad they're happy together


Why do I hear hands rubbing in the background, frens?

It's just happy merchants, don't worry, fren!

This is nonfren propaganda.

pls be frenly



From frens to boyfrens I see! Congratulations!!! <3

They look great together frens

Honk Honklers honking each other aren't frens

OP is a legitimate homosexual. The community is compromised.

That's not very frenly