Even though it seems difficult, we should try our best to be frenly and love the nonfrens, love is powerful and they need lots of it!

714  2019-05-02 by HSOOMinducer


Luv you Christian fren :)

Christian frentian :)

idiocy is infinite, our frenliness should be too

Jesus is best fren :)

“If you love only those who love you, what is the reward in that? Even the most corrupt do that much. If you are kind only to your friends how are you different from anyone else?” - Jesus Christ

This is the one quote I can say truly changed my life. Keep loving, frens, and guard your heart.

Fren is this a Bible verse?

Mathew 5:46, fren. :) peace be with you.

Thank you fren, to you too

Jesus was hated because his frenliness and fren powers were too overwhelming for the nonfrens here on Earth.

Any attempts at unity are booked by nonfrens, Fred Hampton, MLK Jr, JFK. Bopped because division is needed for oppression of all frens.

One day we will all be able to frolic free of our masters

MLK criticized white people for being very unfrenly. He was a great man, a great socialist, and a great Christian leader.

Idk about the socialist part but he was truly a fren among frens

Interesting history frend

I imagine you already know that I am much more socialistic in my economic theory than capitalistic... [Capitalism] started out with a noble and high motive... but like most human systems it fell victim to the very thing it was revolting against. So today capitalism has out-lived its usefulness.

Hey fren.

I saw that you're subscribed to a lot of leftist subs. That's okay. All frens are welcome here, and we love you just the same.

That being said. I saw that you made a post in r/topmindsofreddit saying you were trying to "condition T_D into thinking that Trump is less orange than he really is." I don't want to come off as overly suspicious, but I hope that you're not trying something similar here.

All the same, I love you, fren. Have a great day. ❤️

The nonfrens do not understand our frenly way of life, and they seek to bop what they do not understand. It makes them afraid.

We need to be more frenly so we can show them there is nothing to be afraid of. Bopping is only good when you are bopped first, because it is self-defense.

We need to be frenly to all.

I'm confused why other subs think this is just right propaganda. I have been frenly and have received frenliness in return. All of us are humans and are able to think freely, to hate someone for thought is to hate another possible fren. nonfrens are just frens you havent frenned yet.

I miss when pepes were rare

dont worry fren I have told the guys at topminds to look better at frenworld and realise that those who aren't frens to everyone are the exception, and I dont mind getting banned from there to protect the true frens

Spread the good word to the nonfrens even if they martyr you. You are a noble fren! Have a cookie 🍪

thanks fren, I will make them all into frens

I did too an got banned but it okay bc I protect frens

Well done fren

you doing a little boogie for jesus fren?


Remember to love the nonfriens and the clowns. They will learn of our frenly ways through example.

Jesus is the best of frens:)

"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."

Seems like a mean guy to me.

Let us not BOP the nonfrens, frens.

ALT + 0134. Try it, frens.

Died for all his frens and frens to come. Thank you Jesus!

Jesus taught us a a good lesson frens.

If we bop the nonfriends, they wont become our frens, and what is a world with less frens :(((

Any attempts at unity are booked by nonfrens, Fred Hampton, MLK Jr, JFK. Bopped because division is needed for oppression of all frens.

One day we will all be able to frolic free of our masters

Thank you fren, to you too