Are we getting banned, frens? I wont see my frens if we get banned

1753  2019-05-02 by LinusLu


It's a cruel worl fren, we well find a way to get unboped.

Watch the leanguag, fren :(

But sir these are cartoon frogs.

Nazis, racists, and bigots should all be nonfrens, fren. We should take a stand and condemn them and let them know that hate has no place here.

Otherwise we're just as unfrenly as they say.

A mod just bopped my reply. All I did was say that Nazis and bigots are not frens and should not be here.


Perhaps mods were the true nonfrens all along.





If we do get banned we just use our back up /r/ApuWorld

Stop being nazis is a good start

Might as well ban this fren since he keeps saying unfrenly stuff on the most frenly sub

This fren seems to be obsessed with us, maybe he's lonely?

no fren, we haven't broken reddit ToS, rather we have substantial material to get TopMindsofReddit banned for brigading and hate-raiding

but adminfrens hate us too fren

then we'll be as frenly as always fren

we will fite them with frenliness

I ask you, Do you want total frenliness?

Are you suggesting that we go Full Fren?

Totalen Frenmaking

You always go full fren :)

NonFrensofReddit =(



But the mods are nazis

Topnonfrens will never be banned for brigading for some weird reason

topnonfrens always use alts and delete their activity to remove any trace back to their main sub

Yeah I noticed that. Literally all alts.

we wont get ban, they just dont like us because our skin colour is green :(

nice cape fren

It is

Thx my mom made it for me

If this subreddit gets banned then I’ve lost all hope for reddit.

Forchan time if the sub gets banned


But forchan frens aren’t that frenly sometimes

They are still frenlier then people here. /pol/

But they will never force us to leave

As unfenly as they are they won't kick us out

you could start an /frenworld/ general on shit4chansays board. pretty frenly over there

Come on over. But remember, You're there forever.

If we do get banned we just use our back up /r/ApuWorld

No fren, frens are forever. :)

if this gets banned im leaving reddit for good

where will fren go? can I come too?

I'm not sure of where I'll go fren, but everyone will be invited!

there are others but not dropping them publicly as their small communities

Is there a site similar to reddit but that's basically a traditional forum? Like, one big forum with subforums on various topics?

well sure if you like image boards. discussion boards are all around, but no. the things were using that are at all like reddit are up there^ you can try things like scuttlebutt or matrix but those are the only ones that i didn't name (well, besides certain image boards and specific servers)

That would be a cool site huh? Someone(s) should make it. The reddit/8chan of traditional forums. is close but is also probably something you'd like

I do like slashdot and have used it for years, but it's nothing like what I'm talking about.

Do you agree that a site like I described would be cool/useful?

Yeah it would be cool but you can't have your cake and eat it too. Both Reddit and 8chan have their cultures because of how differently they promote discussion, and I don't know that you could have the positives of both and not have what is tantamount to the current state of /r9k/

My dream internet discussion site would be a traditional forum with subforums, but then each subforum would also have an imageboard, a chat room, and a wiki. Maybe every thread could have its own chat room too, just to kinda casually banter.


If we do get banned we just use our back up /r/ApuWorld

Frenship can't be forever bopped

We're too frenly to be boped fren everyone is a fren here and theres no hat

My karma drops 20 points every time I post on /politics. 😕

Fren here you get a upvote to fight against nonfrens!

I'm banned from r/politics fren

That is a nonfren sub don't go there fren

clearly they just don't want to be your fren

I went through your comments and upvoted as much as I could at work, fren. You are shadowbanned / banned from a lot of nonfren subs

Thank you fren, just checked my karma and it was a pleasant and welcome surprise.

Can somefren give me a rundown of whats happening

Some nonfrens from other worlds think we are unfrenly because there are some nonfrens here who post unfrenly stuff. The nonfrens from other worlds are trying to bop us because they dont like it. Stay friendly fren, and bop any nonfrens you see here.

thank you fren

The nonfrens post nonfrendly stuff in this world and then go running to their frens in their own worlds to show how unfrenly this place is.

I dont think that they are the only ones being unfrenly. Frenworld welcomes all frens, but if you are unfrenly in fren world, expect a good boping. Stay frenly fren.

So if i go post bad stuff in a random subreddit they will ban that subreddit? Ferns this is really messed up...


I ain't no heckin plant!

Auto correct

plants are frens too

Hey frens, what's the issue? Why do the smart boyes not like us?

they are jealous of our frenship

But why are they calling us white nationalist? And Nazis? This fren is not either of those :(

because NPCs will believe and hate us without even trying to become a fren. they can't make frens so they want us to have no frens as well :(

I have a dream, where someday I will be judged on the frenliness of my character, and not the greeness of my skin :/

They are the nazis

Me neither fren! Just keep being super frenly and they’ll come around.

Lonely angry friendless people want to stop our fun - we are frens and always will be frens.

if we do get banned, look up into the sky at night, fren, and find the brightest star, that is our frenship looking down on you.

true frenship never dies

I’ll fucking kill myself if this sub gets banned. They will have made me do it and commit an act of violence upon myself. Banning this sub is an act of violence. People that want to ban this sub are usual breadtards. We need to defend ourselves from their violence by gathering them into government funded fren houses and have them work with other bred frens in camps.

Dont think like that fren, if anything happens remember the frenship.

No fren, we don't want you to hurt yourself or others

I hope not fren! You guys are really nice!

r/Underground_TrenRoad we should find more frens

no fren we are good frens no one will bop us :(

If this sub gets bopped we will just make a new frenworld, don worry fren

If we are banned we must make a new sub called frentown frens

I dont wanna lose frens,_,

if we are banned we will make fren universe and make sure they will not ban us then

I hope not :(

Don’t worry fren, we have a backup home at r/apuworld ! We will be ok


I so sad I don't know how to make frens

so what's going on frens? I'm not a big fren, but it makes me feel nice to see wholesome frens.

I hope we don't get banned fren, most people on this sub aren't idiots who support violent white supremacist views. They just cherrypick to make frens seem like nonfrens

you will always be in my memories fren


I hope not fren, if so I want to know you to know that I still love you fren. No matter what we are gonna pull thru trust me <3



Sad times frens:(

This frenreddit gets unfrended by the Admins, I delete my account.

No use using a website that doesnt like frens.

jpgs suck


I am new here.. and i dont know what the problem is and why we should get banned.. some help would be nice

don worry fren, we will always stick toegther no matter the bops

If we do get banned we just use our back up /r/ApuWorld