I don’t mean to be rude or anything, but I’m confused about what this subreddit is about.

1  2019-05-02 by local_theatre_bi

I genuinely want to be a part of it and it seems quite nice, but I’m just confused.


it’s about being frenly and reveling in one giant online frenship

Oh that sounds nice. Thank you for explaining

i think this sums up our frenship well


we just want everyone to be happy and live in a nice place

It's about frens seeking other frens to be frenly with. Also to keep the non-frens out, or bop them. Hope that helps fren.

Thank you.

We're here to be Frenly and develop Frens for life.

Yes. We all are frens here

Good frens are easy to find when you’re here.
We want all non frens to become frens someday.
It’s easy to be a gud fren. Just treat people like you want to be treated. Show them love.

Come. Eat some tendies and get hugs. I will save you a seat next to me, fren

Welcome home fren

We are just frenly and are all frens here. You are welcome to join us fren.