I don't know what this sub is please help

8  2019-05-02 by Galibresshitmemes

So hello, i would love to call you all frens but I need to know what a good fren does. Any help from somebody would be grea!


Don't hate. Everyone, even nonfrens are your frens

Can I be your fren?

Let's be freeennnnsss!

Are you a gerbil fren?

....no gerbil fren

lerk and assimilate to frenly ways, its not hard to be a fren, fren

Wait wait I don't like that assimilation thing what. Ah yes fren I understand.

Is a place to be a gud fren, and to help others be less suffering and frenly

It's a frenly world for frenly frens.

a good fren spreads love and peace, we want more frens. we can be frens?

Frens are here to be frens to one another, there are no enemies and all non-frens are just frens that dont know it yet. Welcome new fren

Let's be freeennnnsss!