Make America frens again

0  2019-05-02 by herpydero



The thing I don't understand about all of that is: was he always a nonfren or was he forced to become a nonfren through fear of reprisal from force much greater force than we know?

In my mind all politicians are nonfrens but I think his message in the beginning was a good one.

Obama supporters said the same about him. "It was all hope and change at first and then he turned into a shithead." Maybe politicians will always do that.

Obama might be the most successful pres in our lifetime from numerical standards. Unemployment from 13% to 5%. Economy from dumpster to booming (continued by trump)

If evidence came out that when the president of the US is elected they're sat in a room and a metaphorical gun is pointed at them and firmly held against their temple and every person they care about for the rest of their lives, I wouldn't be surprised.

Wrong frog!


Honestly feels like a Civil War between the left and the right

I was just trying to make an anti-extremist post

Right we all need to settle down and learn to live together peacefully