Just a frenly reminder for all frens to exercise your 2nd amendment :))

257  2019-05-02 by Xolaah


im a canada fren 😢

it's okay leafy fren, take a trip south and enjoy our guns :)

real question fren, if i take a trip down to new york state can i shoot guns there at like a range or something? and how much does it cost?

that is correct my fren, either at a range or private property (someones land). at a range all you pay for is the fee to rent the gun and how much ammo you want to shot (you have to buy the ammo at the range since they dont want their guns to get bopped by a clown bullet) but not that much :)

wow that sounds awesome, thanks for the info fren


> New York

Can you go someplace less communist?

id be going with my parents and thats where we go to shop its the easiest state to get to for me

we have guns in canada

but no second amendment and we wont have them for long they will be banned

hi canada fren! care to share some of that fancy, free healthcare with all your frens?

sure but expect to wait months to see a specialist that is if you dont die first 🤡🌎

oh no fren, that's very sad. you must live fren! come to our house, we help you. you can pay with maple syrup.

i can give youu some beavers from my beaver farm

that's cool fren! do you get a lot of wood from being a beaver farmer?

yes lots fren, and when the old beaver pass away i turn them into hats for my frens!

wow an old beaver hat sounds awesome fren.

I'm in UK fren, we no have guns because nonfrens took them away

good news, fren. i show you secret gun. put index finger forward, thumb up. pow pow

pew pew, i think it worked but mine went pew pew and not pow pow, is mine broken fren? did i do it wrong?

You did nothing wrong friend! Just go p then ow instead of p then ew

pow, it worked! thanks fren

careful fren, don't use this gun in public or nonfrens will tell on you.

thanks for the advice fren




The non frens are gonna rage fren.

My Krinkov is my favy fren!

Why you scared, fren? Krinkov only good to make noise, all bark, no bite.

Just wanted one for the collection, fren

Self same curse, fren

I know these feels fren. I'm running out of storage space!

I don't like guns fren but thank you. :)

Username doesn't check out



I was hoping to see a picture of a frog with the arms of a bear

thats very creative fren, maybe someone on /r/FrenRequests would like to make it :)

that is correct my fren, either at a range or private property (someones land). at a range all you pay for is the fee to rent the gun and how much ammo you want to shot (you have to buy the ammo at the range since they dont want their guns to get bopped by a clown bullet) but not that much :)


wow that sounds awesome, thanks for the info fren

> New York

Can you go someplace less communist?