Sometimes you have to be a nonfren to protect your real frens...

253  2019-05-02 by -mack_attack-


thanks fren, but they will continue to persecute frens for our frenly ways

They want to stir distrust in us (like they always). We must stay united as frens.

You’re a real fren, fren.


Nonfrens don't know how to "lighten up." They are serious at all times to the point of no reeeflection on their non-frenliness.


Well said fren!

Well maybe they just have spent too long thinking ugly things so they need a hug from a fren



I worry that they don't believe him.

Fren link so we can upvote it

It's ok fren, we all know who are the true fascists and it's them. They will never silence us frens!

Amen fren

Lmao non frens downvoted without replying now that tells a lot about these people

I kept getting replies to a trivial reply they hated and it was annoying so I deleted it and yet they're still downvoting the removed comment lmao

There isn't even an "original meaning" of Pepe. The creator already denounces nonfrens using him as a mascot for race hatred. And Apu is just a dumber Pepe really.

Fren is right but I kinda scared. Know these ppl nitpick hate but there’s shouldn’t really be hate in frenworld anyway. That just my opinion

Fren I'm here to talk to you about the frenvengers initiative


I kept getting replies to a trivial reply they hated and it was annoying so I deleted it and yet they're still downvoting the removed comment lmao