Don’t worry frens, I’m typing up why we don’t deny the holocaust and how we aren’t in the alt-right to make the top minds happy. If we are all happy, maybe we can get some liberal frens in fren world

15  2019-05-02 by DontWeDoItInTheRoad


I am! I just want to be frens

I’m a new fren, but I’m gonna give frenworld the benefit of the doubt and say that you aren’t nazis, and that Top Minds just doesn’t understand a joke

Anti-nonfren Subs are just Nonfren subs in disguise, fren.

I am also liberal fren, while I see some things i don't agree with I can tell there are many good frens here and I won't lump every fren together and do my best to be frenly to all.

No Nazis here, just Frens!


There’s already lib frens in frenworld! I’ve been here since the days of old!

