docfren here. What has been on your mind lately? nonfrens getting you down? feel free to talk here. we are all frens.

22  2019-05-01 by FUCK-YOU-KEVIN


I applied to the TSA, but I failed the interview portion. =(

What happened? Bad day fren?

I think what might have done me in was that I told them I was in uni. They might not want to train me up just for me to quit soon enough.

Yeah, that would be an issue. Do you have a plan B though?

Not anything that pays as well.

I want a puppy but I dont know what breed frens.

Get a lab or golden retriever, they are the best fren dogs

There are advantages and disadvantages of them all. Some live long, some are practically sized and some don't shed. Always consider getting a rescue fren, they are great and not super expensive.

Hi I ask the topretardsofreddit why they hate the frens and they banned me I’m a sad fren

Your too good for them anyway.

The news is making me depressed frens it seems like people just don’t care about right or wrong any more, they just do what makes them feel good wither it’s good or evil.

What happened? Bad day fren?