My fren just wants to give healthcare to ALL Frens! Yatzee trucks, buck off!

0  2019-05-01 by KineadV



Maybe if he had a spine and didnt let non frens rig his primary and then endorse the nonfrenly people who rigged it while knowing they cheated I would believe what he says fren.

What could he do but endorse her? Not doing it would've killed any opportunity for him to come back next time as the entire party would've hated him.

Maybe he shouldn't associate himself with a party that rigs prinaries?? Plus if he'll cowtow so quick to them now I'm sure he'll do the same shit as a president.

Fren, you know how to eat nonfren's lunch? You don't do it by taking the whole bag. You start with just the cookies. Then you get the chips. Next thing you know, nonfren got no tendies left, and he wondering where they went.