Any other frens think it's funny that r/topmindsofreddit has gone from making fun of conspiracy theorists to becoming conspiracy theorists?

746  2019-05-01 by CallMeTildo


"you either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain" -batfren

Wasn’t that quote from two-fren?

Two-fre is two frens in one! Double fren!

Probably fren, but I got the movie right :D

That’s from alfrend

No no alfren had the “some nonfrens just want to watch the world burn” quote, fren


I wouldn't call it mental deficiency, it's far worse than that fren. I think these are lost frens that have doubled down on their mistakes and now must lie and deceive in order to be correct. Inversion seems to be there big game, you can either see it as misled humans or satanism as a metaphysical abstraction incarnate. I think a better way to say that might be a personification of a problem that has been long warned about, those that invert the truth to make it fit their goals. Anyway fren, I hope this gives you something to meditate or pray about.

“You have become the very thing you swore to destroy”


this is not frenly

upvoting your excellent and observant post fren.

"Any community that gets it's laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company."

Frens lose their way something, but don't worry, they are still frens!

They themselves have become the Top Minds

I told them this and was banned. They shadow banned someone earlier for laughing at their russia probe

Id like to avoid unfrenly thoughts.

Muh Russia

Shit son Jussie

Covington Catholic

Mattress Girl

Clowns who poke fun at SJWs are Nazis

Fucking 2nd coming of Socrates, Jesus, and Isaac Newton combined
