Ho- hi frens

84  2019-05-01 by ScuffedRomanReigns


Stunning and brave

Stay strong fren!

Im proud of you fren

Are you transfrender?

Are you saying frenship is a social construct?

Frenship is an objective truth fren, how we interpret truth is up to us. As frens we can only do our best to know truth, but that doesn’t mean it’s not easy to separate truth from lies.

Absolute truth is pretty scary if you haven’t tried to gaze upon it yourself frens, sometimes I’m worried we were born in and of the dark. But that makes frenship all the more important. We must fight fight fight to share our unique light <3

I hope i didn’t take your reply too seriously fren, after all it’s all a game anyway.


That was beautiful, fren.

I was mostly just playing on the “gender is a social construct” bit thrown out by progressives. Since it’s replaced here with “friendship” (which quite literally is a social construct) I thought it would be funny to say. But I like your philosophy too fren.

Fren, no need for plastic surgery, the most important thing is the mindset.

I think you need to use my bleach, fren.

This "fren" doesn't look quite right....

Fren, i think i know you. Did your house get removed by nonfrens?

So proud fren, it’s never too late for your transfrendation


That was beautiful, fren.

I was mostly just playing on the “gender is a social construct” bit thrown out by progressives. Since it’s replaced here with “friendship” (which quite literally is a social construct) I thought it would be funny to say. But I like your philosophy too fren.