Some other nonfrens made it sound like I have to like trump to be here. I don’t like him very much but can I still be a fren? This is me and my best fren.

145  2019-05-01 by thedustofthefuture


Henlo fren

All frens are welcome in frenworld (if they frenly)

I am ver happy to make all these frens

Frens of all political preferences are still frens here, fren

What about frens who prefer NO politics?

they frens anyway. a fren is a fren

I love how positive we all are here - unlike some other meaner subs

We all want to be frens here meanies

fren is fren

Truer words have rarely been spoken

I’m a commie friend with pride

I no like donny droop. He promis to make frenworld great, but only help the non frens. So he can just go bop himself!

Please watch the langage, fren. There are smol yong frens here

Sorry fren, roland dromp just makes me so unfrenly!!

Trump ignores frens and only helps nosefrens, so he's no fren of mine.

Welcome Fren, the nonfrens just don't understand how to be a fren

Yes but this subreddit is generally for people who do

When did politics come into this sub?

A lot of this subreddit's activity comes from people who feel alienated by Reddit's removal of right-wing subreddits, I know because I'm one of them

I was under the impression this sub was for happy apu memes

Its for white nationalists and race realists. Aka retards.

Sowns wike someone needs a hugs

You can be my fren. Sit next to me


Fren can you tell me why you hate dark nonfrens?

He doesn’t. Stop buying into that bullshit

this is literally an alt right sub...and you guys don't state that since your too much of cowards.

That’s conspiracy theorist crap, man. Seriously. There’s more than one type of person on this sub. Like 90% of us hate the racists

what do you think of sharing your country with minorities or becoming a minority in your own country?

I don’t care. My race isn’t gonna change. Also, fuck off dude.

Why get mad when i ask a question, i just want to know. Also would you be ok with your daughter dating an ethnic?


I’m a sowciawis fren

Das Kapital

I know you more than you know you! How do i know? Because i know! -u/GulDul

I don’t hate nonfrens. I want them to be my frens

I only hate corporatism, corruption, greed, and violence

Do you need a hug nonfren?

This sub is for all frens, fren

Of course fren! I am also not liking the orange non fren trump and we are all frens no matter our politics

That makes me happy! Frenworld is the best!

Trump is bess fren with nonfrens who habs wall but say we can't habs wall. But you are welcome here fren!

Trump was just to save us from hillary and maybe build a wall against measles. It doesnt matter if you like him.

Thank fren

A cat? Watch out for toxoplasmosis, fren!

What is this new word, fren?

No, it is a bad parasite/disease

It make you rel frenly with cats tho.

But it is mind altering and can affect unborn children, fren. It is a nasty parasite

Now I’m scared of kitty :( what do I do

It make you calmer. Is to help cats catch prey in territory easy. No worry much

Don’t pet


Lovely fren you got there!

All welcome fren

Everyone telling me that, all frens make me happy

meany nonfrens brigading from other subs are just sad. we can befren them and they won't need to be sad and angry anymore!

Frenship is the only way to fix the meanness everyone is spreading

It's okay to not like Trump. But Hillary is a major nonfren.

All frens are welcome as long as you aren't Antifren. Those people are scary when they wear all black and bop frens on the head.


Of course fren we don't politics here because we are only frenly

Political beliefs have no place in frenworld

Everyone is frens

We all want to be frens here meanies