r/TopMindsOfReddit doesn’t like me frens

1915  2019-05-01 by A-Bowl-of-Rice


Welcome back home, fren. We like you and we need you here, fren


We love you fren. Nobody loves the nob-frens, that's why they're mean

I love you too fren

I love you both

I love all three of you

Welcome back to r/frenworld fren. There are a lot of New Totalitarian Tribalists out there who will--unironically--call frens bad names. But if you think about it, they are the real losers: (a) no frens; (b) worst insult they can come up with is call frens what they themselves actually are.

Very insightful fren. We must first understand the root of their unfrenliness before we can help them.

My guess is that they play too much Yahtzee.

But yahtzee is awesome, fren! I play it with my family all the time! Actually, when I turned 13, we spent the whole next day playing yahtzee, celebrating. It’s so much fun HONK HONK

They are not TopFrenliesOfReddit so they are mad.

topstinkersofreddit hehe

don't worry, fren. they're meanies. we like you!

I like you too fren

And I like you two!

I also like you, fren!

I'm glad there are so many frens here!

Fren time!

fren hugging time!!

Top minds is full of socialist liberals who hate anybody slightly right leaning. It's okay fren


How could I possibly not be frens with A-Bowl-of-Rice

I'm sorry you got harassed by those meanies. Hopefully you feel better now :)

Thank you fren

Well, what about mature nazis, hmm?

I’m don’t, I think the nonfren is retarded frens

Don’t worry friend, topminds are a bunch of pretentious losers anyway


Hey im a ssd computer fren too!

r/TopMindsOfReddit don't want to be our grens bcus we aren't allowed to play with the big boys

I'm gonna ask my momma to see if we can play with the big boys frens

I just looked there, and they hate frens! there may be some strange frens, and frens non frens dont like, but we put those differences aside and know we are all frens in the end.

Appearantly we're all incels.

Lol I’m a girl🤷‍♀️

Hi also girl fren fren :D



Maybe we should bond together in a fren-only society

Some kind of Freno-State

No! Everyone is fren, they just don't know it.

Sounds like something a clown would say...

meanies use big words without knowing what they mean :(

frens are smart and nice, they don't bully

I'm a Mexican fren. Not all frens have been very nice though. Wish all frens were more wholesome.


Hello fellow mexican fren.

As long as you're green you're a fren. Passports don't matter :)

Hello south fren! im colombian fren! and don't we wish everyone was a fren?

Is this a political thing I thought we were just doing cute peepo pics

Yeah... but political noodles get so twisted, they want it to be more. Nonfrens and clowns see frenworld as a battleground. They don't care about us frens. They want to fight each other everywhere.

I don't understand I just think the pics are cute and frenly

Ok, i'm gonna get banned for it, but mods of r/frenworld are nazis

Funny way of spelling frens, fren

I'll remember you forever fren

They can ban me too. I once believed in being a good fren. Loved the wholesome Pepes. But many frens and the mods are quite hateful :c

Some are really funny and wholesome, but most can have hidden meanings in the memes. Mostly good though


If you see a clown just stay away

Just take a look at the topminds subreddit, a few of the stickied posts tell quite a bit about this sub

Nice brigade you have there, nonfren

I'm not brigading, just telling him about the posts made against this subreddit so he can judge himself. I personally browse the sub myself cause some posts are wholesome but there is quite alot of shit mixed in as well

You do realize that r/AgainstHateSubreddits is one of the most biased subreddits there is while pretending they are being "neutral", nonfren


You can find a hidden meaning in anything if you look hard enough.

The mod says that those posts are no good


Read the literal first comment fren

Yep deleted


Clowns want frens too

If clowns wanted frens they wouldn’t be clowns

B-but clowns want to make people happy fren

Why tho fren

Some try to be subtle. But whole sub is infested with nonfrens like S.H.I.E.L.D was infested with Hydra. FeelsBadMan. I wish the sub was an actual wholesome place it presents itself to be. But it is corrupt, fren :c

I'm just gonna ignore it until it takes over then I'll dip out fren, be safe

Facts are not hate.

You literally just said that the statement "13% of the human population has small frontal lobes and is un-evolved " is fact and not hateful. I am sorry fren, but that is just wrong. Very nonfrenly.

Not 13% of the human population, 13% of the US population.

You’re digging a hole, Fren.


Being 13% of the population

Let’s not do this fren! This is a good place, we don’t need to give the non - frens more reason to hurt us

You posted in Top Minds Of Reddit, nonfren, your smell betrays you

I post everywhere fren, i want to challenge the non frens to use their minds!!!

frens can post anywhere, fren. don't be like the non-frens who judge you based on subs you post in, and not the content of your character.

With that logic, brigading will be allowed

you can be frens with someone no matter which subs they've posted on. be like honey, not like vinegar

It's a deep deep hole for ALL the non frens :)

The fact that this comment is being downvoted is just proof that the users of this sub has no interest in distancing themselves from nazis and I think that's pretty fucking sad


Hateful? Speaking the truth is the only frenly thing to do

What's hateful about an FBI statistic anyone can just Google?

I just Got banned there fren

I don’t get why they think we’re nazis. It makes zero sense.

They see pepe and associate it with 4chan, then link that to racism. Which is really unfortunate, us frens are truly good people and don't have any other consistent reaction image themes. I wish they saw us for our true nature. :(

That just one fren


meanies gets the reports

That one fren has over 40 combined upvote on the hateful comments. It’s not just one fren ಠ_ಠ

Good frens will replace the bad

Other frens have been commenting worse or downvoting this link. I’m afraid it feels like the bad frens outnumber the good. Especially with the mods already modding hate groups and commenting bad things. We have to start over. r/frenworld has been overrun. I like the wholesome idea on the surface of the many posts. Someday I will try and do the same without the hate. Or at least I hope someone else will do.

No fren!!! we need you!! We good frens can do good still! Don’t give up fren, hate can’t win!

Nothing i said is mean. Youre just a nonfren trying to subvert frenworld.

Subvert? How? I just don’t want this sub to get banned

You dont want facts about nonfrens to be known.

I thought everyone was a fren! :( Non frens only choose to be non frens, but we can still be frenly to them

Good work, fren. Spread the truth.

The nonfren cries out as he strikes you

Why is this bad when it's the truth? You can look up the FBI statistics on Google.


Stay strong fren, unconditional kindness will create more kindness with time.

Nonfrens get boopd on the snoot

Fren being mean :(

Don't be sad fren don't bother talking to them you can't change non fren minds directly most of the time they just have to see us all being frenly frens and maybe one day they'll understand frenship

Pretty sure those guys are 100% schizophrenic


They hate us because we have what they don't


Don't worry fren, they banned me for saying that since they broke the quarantine on a fren's world we now have the opportunity to go out and make the world a better place.

I don't think they want to make the world a better place fren

Awww don’t feel bad fren. Those people are just mean. We are your frens.

Hey, I still your fren

Why do nonfrens have such hatred towards frenly subs?

Because their minds have been corrupted by a biased and false vision of reality, it's ironic to see that the people that fight the most """"hate""" are in fact the most hateful ones

You’d think calling people nazis would mean it’s a hate sub.

Anti-hate subs are almost always hypocritical cesspools. They’ll target the most harmless frenzones while ignoring actual hate subs.

The mods who run r/frenworld actually frequent the hate subs. Open your eyes, fren.

Hey, fren. I’ve got nothing against you personally but I’ve got to make something clear.

I know for a fact some of the people on here are total freaks who actually support shit like the KKK. My neighbour or even my wife could be thinking these things. I couldn’t give less of a shit if the mods ends up being Hitler’s PR Department. I think the jokes are funny. I know for a fact I don’t think of any race or creed as inferior, for fuck sakes I descend from “undesirables”. A joke is a fucking joke. If somebody actually thinks that “white is right” they’re clearly a total fucking loser.

Honestly, in the past two days I’ve been told more obscene shit from “anti-hate” people than I’ve ever seen in the months I’ve been on frenworld. You could link this and that and it honestly wouldn’t compare to the shit that drivels out of the “heroes” who think that personally attacking somebody will stop them from posting pictures of a frog.

But my personal views don’t matter because I’m a top mind of Reddit who clearly supports The Fourth Reich and participates in lynchings.

Sorry for the language, fren. Just a little tired of all the bullshit I’ve been personally receiving over a joke on the internet.

You’re all jokes on the internet, fren. I had hope for this community. But I’ve seen enough hateful posts and comments to make me realize that r/frenworld must burn. A crusade must be had. I used to think the left was wrong about frenworld. No. I was wrong and so are you. Congrats for your gold. You’ve said things well. But you can’t justify frens making black genocide jokes as just being “funny jokes”.


Please stop harassing me nonfren

It's a statistic from fbi, so it's real and so his comment is not hateful because it's the sad truth.



Seriously though where did this come from that we are nazis?

This sub used to be very edgy wayyyy back when it was first created honestly not at all the truth anymore though

Honestly, a story as old as 4chan. 4chan makes something, it starts real edgy, ends up more wholesome, people still refer to it as edgy.

4chan is still pretty edgy.

Not edgy enough for the oldfags, so they moved to 8chan

Everybody knows the oldfags were all psycho nerds. Good riddance.

science frens :))

frenly stats aren't nazis

Well the reply was deleted

Nonfrens are envious of our Frenliness.



They banned me lmao because I tried to be fren

Same, I wanted to be their fren too

i like u fren

r/frenworld #1 frenliest place

Fren even though they will be mean to you we will still be frenly to them because this is frenworld

Dont worry fren I love you

I honestly don’t understand that. Where did this idea that we’re fucking nazis come from? All we do is support each other, not once have I seen anything that made me think of nazis or hate speech. Is it just a joke somebody threw out there then it got bandwagon’d to hell?


a small number of posts on here have been hateful, they usually get downvoted, ignored or told to be more frenly. some of the non-frenly subs cherrypick the posts they don't like then highlight them like it's all that gets posted here, ignoring the fact those posts usually get removed pretty quickly. they're just mad people aren't banned and thrown from helicopters the moment they say something edgy.

All the mods here are frequent posters in hate subs. Look at their accounts

How do I check who the mods are for a sub?


I just visited that place. I seriously don't understand how any group of people can get so vociferous butt angry over a bunch of frog pictures. Probably the best example of the worst of Reddit. A load of morons who bandwagon and inbreed ideas until a mob of single minded jackasses form that circlejerk into oblivion.

That's pretty sad actually, perhaps the more hateful people are ironically the ones doing everything to fight hate.

Imagine bothering thousands of people, call them all kinds of names and being mean to them just because you saw 4 or 5 edgy memes or references

Some people really think that life is 100% politics and nothing else

honestly i can kinda get the rest of the subs they attacked, but a frenly sub like this doesnt deserve it






Don't worry fren, they don't know it yet but you are the toppest mind of redit. Welcome home

r/frenworld is the best world because it’s so frenly!

Welcome new fren!

We love you fren

Don't worry every fren is welcome here.


is on r/TopMindsOfReddit

Ohm0: says dumb stuff like this

That's what we call irony fren.

So many people say this unironically so it's pretty hard to tell fren, and ironic or not it was unfrenly

We live in complicated times fren

They are fun to fuck with tho. Triggering them is fun, fren!

clearly demonstrates again that world is full of meanies who don like frens. clearly demonstrates we need frenship more than ever.

they are so mean, like chill
