hard choice for a fren

925  2019-05-01 by ChiefSosaChamberlain


Amazingly accurate!

Good one fren!

What a handsome and frenly fren you are

nothing wrong with a fren whos just buying salt for his mother

Good job fren!

if you go to frenco, you can pick up an extra large box of salt by the way


Ur a good son, fren!

Frenworld saltmining incorporatedtm

Soy is good fren, complete amino acid profile and phytoestrogens which don’t affect your mammalian estrogen levels but mimic them, thus decreasing your overall mammalian estrogen levels with no negative frenffects.

i think u overdosed on soy, fren

I am more legume platoon fren, but I don’t mind soy products if offered

There is soy in the salt so you don’t have to eorry fren.

i buy seasalt fren, it's more expensive, but it's worth it!


Fren, I do not know what the differences between normal salt and sea salt. Can you help me understand?

no problem fren! it says "sea salt" on it.

Thank u fren

I try to show them the frenly way. They did not want it

you are a great creator of humor fren

thank you :) i highly appreciate it fren

Frenworld delivering the sick burns

Where can I buy that mumu fren?

Buy both fren!

So cute

You're a good son, fren.

Fren you forgot r/shitredditsays salt, more commonly known as just shit.

You are doing a great job fren.

change the store.


You are all cringe

You best be quiet before I bop you, fren

Hey come on now fren, it's ok to smile.

Why are you so angry fren? Smiling feels nice :)

I thought we were ebil nahtzis who should be banned from everything?

You nonfrens don't understand how to hold a narrative, silly


says the 12 year old bionicle fan


Don't know fren, you could get sick if you try any of those 🤢

based and soypilled, i love it fren

Give this fren gold