I am holding the line, Frens!

720  2019-05-01 by grisfrallan


bop em fren!

I’ll do it for Frenworld

I hope they don't go around the line through Belgium fren

I hope your Chauchat doesn't jam fren

Uh oh! I dropped it in the mud and now I cant fire :(

Oh no! ask a fren for a lebel, it should be ok for now until mister mechanic can fix your chauchat.

Just bop it fren. It’s garbage when it gets mud in it, but when it works, it reaaaaally works

Why can't we all be frens Freund?

Because the nonfrens subverted our culture

No more fren wars!

I understand, tho it saddens my heart. Sturmtruppe fren reporting for duty

The Germans aren’t your enemy, fren. They are frens like you.

then why is it every time frenworld is going good germa"frends" try to ruin feurope.

The Great Fren War

But frens never fight, what happend :( ?

Some Serbian killed archFren Frenzferdinand it escalated from there

those slavfrens just wanted to be left in piece.

On ne passe pas!

Favorite map freun, I’m out there sniping though!

i love me the smg 08/18, fren. very cool!

Thank you fren! Defeat the nonfrens!

Reinforcements inbound fren!

I'm so glad to have frens to protect frenworld, you frens are great

Make sure the mustard gas goes with the wind

Did you remember your gas mask fren!?!?!


Thank you for your service fren.

They shall not pass

ils ne passeront pas, fren


member fren, dont look at the spotting flares and when they do go off keep one eye closed fren.

Vive la republic! Vive la frens!


Hahaha nice

Tank reinforcement frens are on the way

My fren, i’m afraid the frontline is the opposite way

Oh no

Hold the line and remember,

Love isn't always on time

dont worry fren! reinforcements are coming and we will dismantle the kaiser's nation fren!

Watch out for mortars fren!

You are such a brave fren

Your autism is showing.

Thats not very Frenly of you...

Semper pepe

Take some more ammo fren!