Why doesn't fren want to play with us :(

2887  2019-05-01 by nice_spicy_meme


I can’t belive the language these non-frens use, and they call us the meanies!

Why do they want to play Yahtzee so much?? Please find I have never been good at Yahtzee!

He must work for the rodeo or something, I kept hearing him say he has to help prep his mom's bull.

jesus christ thats fucked

I like the clowns at the rodeo. They make me laugh

i laff hardest at clowns when they get gored by a big black bull

jesus christ thats cucked

I think you hit the wrong key, fren

Like the bull

Watch the language fren. This is a frenly sub. We don't want frens to feel offended here, they might think you're a yahtzee for somesuch


if i had money, i’d give this gold

Your wish is my command

Giving money to Reddit is nonfren activity. That's a one week BOP for you.

yeah, not that i even have money, i wouldn’t waste it on reddit coins lol

Why giving monies nonfren activity? Communism bad?

Only a nonfren would need this explained.



Pls explain

Me too help our uninformed fren

Maybe its meant to sound "mongol" but I'm not too sure.

"Bull" refers to the sexual partner of someone already in a relationship, implied to be a necessity as the party engaging with the bull is unsatisfied with there romantic partner. The rest can be figured out through connotations and implications.


"Climb" denotes to the sexy render of organism already in a human relationship, tacit to be a demand as the person attractive with the police officer is ungratified with there idiom supply. The attach to can be patterned out finished substances and entailments.

This is a bot. I try my best, but my best is 80% mediocrity 20% hilarity. Created by OrionSuperman. Check out my best work at /r/ThesaurizeThis

Now I know. Thx

Anytime fren!


Seems like a bully. Nothing we can do about it, but hopefully things change soon.

How do you expect people to react to people from this sub when there have been many trending alt-right posts? You guys are the ones getting involved in politics. If you don't want drama with the rest of Reddit, don't involve it here.



gild me pls

Nonfrens get bopped

I think there are few unfrenly people here and they make us look bad :( hopefully the nonfrens will soon stop thinking it's funny to make us look bad :,(

Bop them

No. Only bop non frens that hurt you. Non frens that are not nice can be left alone

(Bop means ban in this case)

I don’t think that is true, fren

Sooo... are you denying being Nazis?

Non-fren detected. Bop!

Shouldn't you be standing in a breadline right now?

non frens just cant leave us alone

Big nose non frens never leave us alone

I'm new to this sub and I have no idea what the duck is going on. Please fill me in

We are all very friendly frens but the nonfrens(fx TopMindsOfReddit) keep calling us nazis because of some unfortunate posts


Well when mods here talk about "nosefrens are automatically nonfrens" easy to see why some people feel frenworld isn't genuine.

This sub is notoriously full of nazi’s that deny they’re nazi’s.

Honk honk 🤥 🤡

Go away, Clowns are nonfrens.



When youve been honked so hard, you think helper frens are a politcal movement from the 1930s. BOP!


This sub is using friendly people as a cover for discussing and promoting alt right ideology.

Hell the top comment here is talking about bulls, the other dude in a cuck situation. You can find comments promoting an ethnostate, and mods have posted that people need to be more subtle with the alt right so people who come here looking for actual friendship don't catch on.

Check out my history to see which mod talks about "nosefrens" automatically being "nonfrens"

They're using friendly talk as cover for shitty beliefs.

TMOR are non-frens. Pls leave.

Yes. Bop!


Bop him!

Non frens will never understand ):

Don't let the non frens get to you frens. We know we're just too frenly for those mean hateful people :)

Top comment here is literally a cuck insult lol. So frenly.

Fren ):

I got bopped from their sub :(

Me too fren.

what is sub my fren


Fren dont go there, it has a lot non-frens

Everyone needs a fren abd we're all frens here

Frens, why do everyone think we’re mean german nonfrens? :( I just want to make frens

I’ve never understood it, fren :( Jokes are unheard of over there.


Rather than focusing on people who don’t want to be frens, we should focus on being fenly to each other.

How do Frens play?

I think non fren is controlled by globalists

Oh god my kidney stone


Don't cry fren! He's a mean non frenly fren. He needs more frens

ich will frens

I feel for you fren. :,(

Suck my hairy cock, frens.


I thought it was funny

i think your kind of frens are different from the frens here. there is no sucking of cocks between frens, fren. maybe that's why all your other frens are sooooo weird.




Hi I’m Mexican. Can I be a fren too?

¡sí Sí! Juntos cantaremos mariachi y comeremos muchas carnitas y seremos amigos y vecinos de por vida.

Taco fren

Tequila fren

don't eat the worm fren.

Hi Mexican, I'm Dad.

Ay papi!


all frens are frens

Hello Mexican, I would like to be fren!


Hola Amigo

Not very frenly

Why must you spend all your time looking for reasons to be angry, fren?

Helps him get through the day I guess. I feel bad for him.

Why did your frenspend all day exposing you guys as clear Nazis?

I can see perfectly fine, I don't know what you're talking about.


Language my fren >:(

Stay on this sub for five minutes friend and you’ll see the proportionality of fren posts and those.

You lot are as bad as the idiots with the doggospeak


they are misinterpreting our language fren, they believe clowns are minority frens and that we want to bop them :(

It's okay fren we can play minceraft together my mom is making piza rools


cRiNgE bRo sO cRinGe What you sound like


Im convinced that there are a ton of bait posts on this sub made by nonfrens.


just like all those fools who fake hate crimes on themselves and then report it to the police.

Are the mods baiting? Because they post shit like this, look at my history from today for the mods profile.


Why do you see a disguised insult in a frenly joke? We’re just celebrating their sexual diversity!

Bop this dude

I just wanted to make a new fren...


He's just mad he can't fit into a cool hat like you fren


What the sweet fuck is happening in this cesspit of a sub

There are nonfrens who think we are unfrenly.

Hahahah I get a kick out of this sub I'm not gonna lie

It is a good one, fren. Have a nice and frenly day

frens have no frens to understand our frenship.

https://discord.gg/uvpXwfu hey frens, join us! :)

lol i love this sub

What's a nonfren?

I don’t fucking get this sub are u guys alt right or what the fuck

Big brain meanies think we are yahtzees but they just don't understand!

Understand what? Are u guys actually different underneath

No people just associate Pepe the frog with being a nazi. That’s literally it. It’s so stupid

I don't understand why you think we're yhatzees in the first place. Im just here because I like having lots of frens

There is a fuck ton of shady shit I see here

those are the clowns we try to bop away


Yes this is a right wing sub, everyone here is a really shitty person.

WTF is this abomination of a subreddit.

Just a mirror of this abomination of a world, fren. Don't get upset. Understand.

a welcoming place for those that wish to be frenly :)

Ay papi!