The nonfrends are being unfrendily again ,frends :(

276  2019-05-01 by thebananaofdoom


I actually find it funny how other people care for it, like just leave us tf alone and let us have fun with our frens

being a NEET can be boring.

while waiting for their welfare this is what they do.

They are just jealous we are such good frens.

When all you do is hate all day, it's gotta be infuriating seeing people being frenly with one another.

In a very dark time in human relations, ADULTS are making FROGs ask if YOU wanna be FRENs! Thats scary!

Anyway back to fantasy baseball netflix tinder coachella herpes online scrabble constant distractions shitty relationships no kids porn addiction weed addiction psyche meds dae miss obama literally crying

Don’t forget orange man bad. Peach drumpf

I can't believe adults with presumably jobs are capable of spending several hours a day looking for something to be outraged by and living in the irony of being more hateful than any subreddit they'll ever find.

You don’t work 80 hours a week but instead work 40 and post frogs on the internet? You disgust me


They need frens because they seem sad

I actually came here from that post. I honestly don't see what the problem is supposed to be. Can someone explain?


Same here, everyone here is fren i don't see any problem.

They dont like it that some of our frens make Republican posts on other subreddits. I am a Democrat, and we all here are just trying to be frens :(

Finna yeet and dab with my big frens

Well you see, if you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my frens


I love how they think so hard about this sub

Frens are an anomaly to them

i don’t understand why people make such a big deal about pretty much nothing

They believe themselves to be some kind of moral social authority figures.



looking for a reaction

They’re so close

Don't listen to the notfrens. They can't stop our frenliness!


God forbid people arnt just total asshats to one another online. This place is pretty wholesome tbh

Can’t believe I’m being shamed for my autism... :(

They don’t understand the value of fwens

Nonfrens hate us cuz they know their sub will never be as frenly as ours. Just look at the upvote ratios on most posts

I clicked 3 times before i clicked the right upvote... :(


Same here, everyone here is fren i don't see any problem.

They dont like it that some of our frens make Republican posts on other subreddits. I am a Democrat, and we all here are just trying to be frens :(

Well you see, if you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my frens
