So excited for my interview for a new job! Wish me luck frens.

1105  2019-05-01 by Joshpointno


Oh no fren! Get out of there!!!

Why it looks frenly

  • honk all over you

good luck fren! I hope they'll accept you

Aw! Fren looking handsome on his big day!

I’ve seen that couch in some frenly videos fren. Good luck fren and show them what you can do

good luck fren, just beware of the racoons

I believe you can do it fren

i am proud of you fren

protect yourself fren. join union

Good luck fren. You got this


You should tuck in your shirt fren

It looks like a very casual interview though


I hope there is a nice pretty lady interviewing you fren!

Just look them in the eye and give em a nice, firm handshake.

You look great fren, you're going to fucking nail it!

Good luk fren!

Just do everything you're told and you'll get the job for sure, fren.

I believe in you fren

Wait a minute, I've seen that couch before get out of there fren, before it's too late!

Hope it goes well fellow fren


I... wouldn't touch that couch too much, fren

nice bokuman comission, fren


Hope you have a great time fren!


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thnx fren good bot fren

I wamt to share this post with my non-reddit frens!
