I tried to make frens with those on r/topmindsofreddit but they were mean to me and I got banned

92  2019-05-01 by DOODman34


I'm sorry fren

They are neocomunists and non frens, dont talk to them

Yeah so much about this not being a political sub

Youre the one bringing politics into it, leave it be nonfren

"They are neocomunists and nonfrens". You're in complete denial.

Im new to this place, literally browsing this for 4 minutes. I have come to the conclusion that these people are just being nice to each other looking for fren, and you are being a complete (pardon my language, i dont like using the N word), nonfren.

This place is full of optimism and positivity. Please take your nonfren vibes when you leave.

Tried the same thing fren at least we got each other

Fren is nonfren, he sed frens are nazis

I was trolling. It worked very well.

Nonfren is trolling frens?

It's ok fren you will always be welcome here

This is why it's best to stick with your own kind fren

Its okay fren we bop them for you


What did you say lmao