Introduction to frenworld for new frens.

490  2019-05-01 by basedputin


I still don’t get, but this was therapeutic so ty

you'r welcome fren

I just joined this sub reddit, anything I gotta know fren?

Still have the same question, the sidebar prompts more questions than it answers

I gotta go check it out fren

stay away from the evil clowns fren. they mask their pretty words under the guise of 'tolerance' and 'compassion' but the clowns are rotten inside filled with nothing but hate and intolerance.

Alrighty fren

Nonsense. Clowns are frens that simply see the humor this dark clownworld

its a freak show -

Now they're just teasing with us...

Nah actually you guys are nazis and racists, I just got informed of what you guys really are, and I hope this sub is torn down like your last one, this comment will be removed, and I hope I get banned

boring. do you get your talking points from cnn or what?




Do you believe anything you get told fren?

No, I listen to facts and evidence, such as links to specific things proving what this sub really is

Look at the sub. Do you see evil nonfrens immediatly or do you have to search for it? You want to go to thehonkpill or honkler subreddits for that. 90% of frenworld are frens, and most of those simply ignore nonfrens.

See but that’s the thing you barely have to search, you just have to stick one toe below the water and you find this

Explain fren



Clowns did not want this to affect you frens.

Yes. As much as some people may want to prove it, there is no underlying evil in this sub buried beneath all the pepes. Just a simple space for friendly people who wanna be friends and also sometimes relatable content.

With that being said, good to have you, fren.

... so people hate this sub cuz u guys use pepe?

I wish I had the answer for you. You probably don't use this sub but I've never seen anything on this sub that could offend people let alone cause them to hate it, and I browse regularly. Reminds me of when I hated Burger King stuff even though I'd never been inside a burger king outlet or had their burgers.

Well I still hate Burger King but I have my reasons :). But I did try to look for key words that might explain why people hate this place and nada. People get on the dumbest bandwagons sometimes. For the time being you have a new frien.




Good job fren, I'm sure this will help many frenly souls and guide them into the frenly light.

It doeant help me. Im desperately trying to undertsand why people here keep saying fren in every sentence

Its also spelt friend and not fren

Don't worry fren, you'll understand too.


This is wholesome and adorable fren.

I felt welcomed but then saw your name, Putin isn’t very frenly (((

Very nice video fren

I like this fren. Very frenly! Good work!!

r/frenworld is a nice place.

Hail frens! Am I doing it right? 😂

No. You're not very smart, are you?

this is so frenly, thank you fren for making this

I watched this video again after live coverage of AG Barr in congress.


Whew... I feel better again.

ok now this is epic

Thank you fren! Just joined this sub because afraid of being bullied by other non frenly redditors. Still learning a lot.

This is the weirdest thing racists have done since jacking themselves off to Birth of a Nation.

Sorry fren but I had to give you a good bopping for that one.

You have to admit, it's pretty odd, I'd rather y'all just have the signs and tiki torches again.

It saddens me that you're intolerant of our frenly little world here. We're not trying to hurt anyone, but if you don't like us you could always leave.

I'm not trying to be mean, just saying y'all on some other shit.

I’d like to apply for fren world citizenship


thanks fren

You dont like statistics, fren? :(

Not fake and hateful statistics, fren :c. Very nonfrenly

Good frens

Be nice to 30YOBs

I wanna be a fren.

So frenly of you!!!

I was on /r enoughinternet (before it got bopped?) and thought I had seen everything. Apparently I was wrong. Am I dreaming?


I am really starting to like this place and how you guys are nice and don't give a shit about other subreddits being mean to you. Tbh I think this subreddit is the most based thing I've found in my life and I love to see it grow.

life is short. you cant worry about people hating and judging you. thats what the left does. morally shame you too.

Alrighty fren

Nonsense. Clowns are frens that simply see the humor this dark clownworld


It saddens me that you're intolerant of our frenly little world here. We're not trying to hurt anyone, but if you don't like us you could always leave.

Not fake and hateful statistics, fren :c. Very nonfrenly

Clowns did not want this to affect you frens.