We don’t take frenly to you non-frenly types round here.

19  2019-05-01 by soupsumyunguy


Non frens get bopped. 🤡 🔨👏🏻

We must always be frenly

No it’s ok fren I’m your frensister fren

But Fren, surely we must be Fren to all to convert then to happiness?

Frens do not impose their values on others; that's what nonfrens do.

Frenworld is for frens. We should leave nonfrens alone in nonfrenistan.

The problem is that nonfrens hate our ways and want to force us to be like them.

Simply showing non frens our ways of happiness is not imposing your values, it's showing what they could be!

The confreneracy will rise again!!

bad optics fren, we’re being watched


No we must be frenly with all even non frens