Top Minds Easily Angered by Frens

3000  2019-04-30 by Koffoo


We have the power to stand against the non frens! Stay steadfast and we will survive through this darkness, frens!

Make sure to not call them r-words tho. Topnonfrensofreddit is a better name

Do you seriously not understand how the sub name works?

Pls don’t yell at me. I just don’t think we should use bad names for nonfrens

They're not referring to themselves as 'top minds', but you

How nice of the non frens

Thanks for the key insight fren. You're truly a top mind yourself I see!

Woah. What wonderful insight you have there. Even the sub name is calling people stupid, and you want us banned?


You are very smart for a nonfren

Do you have a smooth brain?



Frenworld easily angered by topmindsofreddit

How so fren?

You are no better than them. They react to your post you react to theirs

They react with hate and slanderous cussing.

We react with disappointment and sadness from these nonfrens :(

:((( us frens don't attack. those non frends attack us. we are not angry just sad ;(((

Youre attacking them right now. Even the post in question called them retards

Is it not righteous to bop back when bopped by nonfrens, completely unprovoked?

Self-defrens is a human right!

why won't they leave us alone? stop bullying please.

Isn’t this targeted harassment? The top retards are lobbying heavily to tag this frenly sub as a white supremacist sub

It’s exactly that. Admins need to stop it. We’re being painted out and framed to be all sorts of horrific things by nonfrens. We’re not. We are about love and diversity, and a better future for all frens.

We’re just out here spreading our infectious positive and happy influence and for some reason a few nonfrens wanna ruin it.


Sadly, if admins do ever find about this sub even seeing the bullying with their eyes, we're done for.

And that’s where the real fascism lies.

What are your thoughts on national socialism fren?

What's that fren? If it's not a way to make frens, we don't want it ty

This is not the sub to be discussing politics in that manner fren.

Lol dude reddit doesn't care if your left-leaning.

Lol dude none of us care about politics here, we just wanna be frens

lol fren*

My bad

Well yeah, but im saying reddit rarely punishes subreddits that lean to left. Top minds for example. I mean its u likely they're going to be punished. I don't care if you lean left or right, Its just worth noting reddits bias.

If you just wanna be frens and wanna be positive, maybe don’t call them top retards :(

i was banned for no reason. the sub is run by commies that don't tolerate any dissent.

Maybe so! But if you wanna be frens then you still gotta be frenly

Finally somefren who gets it, what's the point of this being the frenzone if we resort to nonfren behavior the moment we're attacked by nonfren people :( it ruins the frenly vibes this place has

So they can be as mean and unfrenly as they want but we can’t even state a fact?

Calling them names isn’t the same thing as stating a fact fren! I agree it’s not very frenly of them for poking fun at us. If you want to be frenly with people sometimes you’ve got to be the bigger person.

maybe, just maybe, because it is a white supremacist subreddit?

Hello fren you may be a communist but we're all frens here.

OotL: what is with the baby talk and self-victimization

Frens are stronk! We bop nonfrens!

Frenworld is being swarmed by newfrens and nonfrens.

Mods are nICE, but they are a little iverwhelmed.

Why we fren talk like baby frens when we mostly 20 and 30 year old big boys?

Because we are frenly frens that speak frenly. Maybe 🤡🌎 is a better place for you

You mean the real world where i act like an adult? C'mon, you're a grown man acting like this.

I am fren acting frenly.

Going around arguing politics with strangers on the internet as if my opinion matters is not for me :(

I have frenly things to do

You don't do anything but baby talk on Reddit.

When frens talk clown language the nonfrens shoah us :(

I know, this is a suicide prevention group for sad people with really bad lives. Your life isn't going to get better, bro. Women don't like clown language. Do you pee pee your dipey?

I am happy among my frens and we don't want to speak 🤡🌎 language. Speaking fren is frenly and allows us to hide our powerlevels

Yes, i understand that you think talking like this hides your true intentions. No one misses out on this. It's blatantly obvious.

Women don't let you touch them for a good reason.

I dont know what you're talking about our intentions are to bring frenlyness to all

Then what exactly is this power level you're hiding? And why hide if it's good-natured?

Nonfrens hate us for no reason. They don't like when we share laughs. We need to be careful or they bop.

Now you're avoiding the question by self-victimizing. Does it feel good to be a victim?

But we are the victims. Thousands of nonfrens want us shoahed when they never even heard of this place before last week

Do you understand that pretending to be a victim will actually have a long term effect on you, training your mind to feel beneath society?

As a side note, I saw this sub reach /all a few months ago, came to read and found a lot of hateful stuff masked with baby talk. It's not like people just now found out about the sub.


Listen, grown man who pretend he doesn't know what racism looks like, i can see the hateful posts and comments with my own eyes. Are you purposely ignorant or just a liar?



We literally just want to be friends :(

Fren, don't be sad.

They are trying to be mean to us but they are helping new frens find us because their message reaches places we can't and their unfrenliness helps newfrens to realize that they are frens.

We should be happy that the nonfrens are accidentally bringing more frens to us because frens matter, nonfrens don't.

I've known about this sub for awhile but never really looked into it, but it's really stupid how topminds is pretty much just targetting you guys. Maybe it's just because they don't understand, and want to hate on you guys simply because of this??? Anyways best thing to do is just ignore them but it's pretty difficult to get a lot of people to do that so whatever. Stay strong frens

I think it’s because of the use of a pepe-like frog, which has been associated with the alt-right

feel kinda sad now frens

It is ok we have each other fren

Honestly what the fuck is this shit? Frenworld means so much to me, and I've received more emotional support and help from this subreddit than I could've ever imagined. Why can't we just have something nice to hold onto ffs

Hey fren. Chin up. No need to be upset. No matter what happens, your frens will still be out there.

Frens stick together!!!!

Frens deserve liebestraum.

People who downvote memes should bop themselves


Fren, I think you’re kinfyoozed. Our fren downvoted the bully post!

new meme idea: meme

People who post bad OC should see my downvote and bop themselves

Don’t worry frens stay positive the original mayme is being shared! And sharing is caring!

That non friend has light mode

its the fren who was light mode. He might need a wake up bop

I think is non fren

I used it to contrast the hate post fren

that I can understand fren. dont let the hate get to you

Sorry fren I got confuse

More like top bullies of reddit. They want us frens to be ripped apart but we must stick together <3

You know the name is sarcastically referring to ... oh never mind.

fren, you need a hug

oh, fren, it must feel good to be so condescendenting

Wait what's what referring to

TMOR is what they call the people they watch... by calling it top retards you’re implying you (who they are watching) are retarded


I think blowing thrpugh their sarcasm cover inadvertentky like this (bc those are ppl made from supercillious inhibitions) is aight too

the first one to follow in earnest is a betrayed fren, sarcasm isn't frenworld- if you're on their side.

Nonfren big brain. Nonfren smart

Report them for targeted harassment, what a hypocritical sub.

Imagine trying that hard to be offended.

It's ironic how these are some of the most hateful subs out there. It's incredibly sad.

This is what I've been saying the banned waterniggas because it had the word nigga in it. But you literally have ever far left cesspool being so anti everything that's doesn't share the same view harassing other subs.

Wterniggas got banned?!

Apparently it's now hydration homies I think


There it is lol

also r/waterniggas2 for those not willing to compromise

Nah, quarantined.

Nah, banned

/r/waternigga is back nigga

it unfortunately isn't, fren. 😢

Exactly, the people in these subs are far more hostile and actively brigade and harass other subs. They went after fucking r/weekendgunnit because "they preach extremist gun views". FOR. FUCKS. SAKE.

Shhhhh..dont expose bestg_///+ ! Delete this comment fren and I'll do the same

Changed it a little, those who know, know


tbf "the right to bear arms" is an extremist view in their minds.

So is allowing a fetus to live if the mother wants to kill it.


unfortunately I don't think they'll always consider it harassment. There needs to be a "encourages raiding/brigading" option

if i recall this sub was somewhat founded to be isolationist, which can scratch the backs of the whack-jreubs or those that prey on them, eg nunfren

If any of you frens wants to do something about it, just PM me, r/AgainstHateSubreddits are being nonfrens to everybody!

They quaranbopped r/clown_world

To be fair, that sub was getting a bit too edgy

I saw that one coming

Beyond edgy. Way beyond edgy fren.

What happened with that sub fren?



Reddit decided frens don't let frens notice things.

honk honk

Oh god no! Don’t let frenworld trend! Won’t someone think of the children?

Don't nonfrens anything better to do? Maybe they should meet more frens and they would've be so bitter.

You’re all doing the lords work, god speed Frens.

We don’t have to listen to them, frens! We have each other!

Ya we sure do!

Seriously, what did we even do? Lmao

We posted frogs that's what us frens did


Frogs are the best frens though! 🐸

Don't try to sort it out fren. They just hate us. You can be the juiciest, gooeyist peach out there, but you'll still have people who just don't like peaches. Nonfrens deserve the bop.

Nonfrens infiltrate our house and plant weeds of hate in our backyard, where we don't see them. The weeds never grow, since we uproot them everytime we notice them. But the nonfrens don't care. They say we're bad frens for having a yard full of weeds. They bop us for not uprooting the weeds. We fight back. Then they bop us again, claiming we started it all, and leave us crying. This is what they want. Don't let nonfrens control this place.

another frenfren cheek


I guess there was a meme denying the holocaust on here. I mean if it was just a meme then Top Minds is just whining over nothing, but if the frens actually believe that the holocaust didn't happen then this whole sub is just a Stonetoss comic.

I can smell that you are a stranger to these waters, nonfren

they dont like fren pepe image

this sub is full of transphobia it’s disgusting

Transphobia? What is that?

is that trans fat hate fren? I think it’s good KFC took out trans fat out of their chicken.

Nonfrens with inside-out peepees looking like ground pork say having a good time with your frens is disgusting. Frens are confused.

They associate Pepe with wHiTe PoWeR 🤣

we existed

Why are the nonfrens saying we are very mean people frens?


I genuinely don't get why people would wanna hurt our frens. I have been part of this frenly community for a long time and the only thing is see it people making frens.

Leave us frens alone :(

m'bop, except for the slapstick violence there, seems an earnest desire for consistency

It’s ok ferns we must protec ourselves in this time of strife help each other and it’ll be okay.

They bastardize the glorious image of Bill Cipher

They are bulling us imma call my frens

brigaders incoming, set your phasers to bop frens

Nonfrens aren't bad people, there's just something stuck. Maybe they'll come around and be frens in two or six years, most likely six.

Don't give up on people, they may be good frens later. I'm sure they like tendies too.

Deep down, we all like tendies, every fren have something in common with each other.

Frens i can not tell a lie some of the stuff these clowns be saying and showing were some nonfrenly fren world things could those be true?


Do not worry frens if we look out for fellow frens we will make it through these hard times

we just need to make more friends all over the gerlobe

Can we just go to voat frens? Reddit doesn’t want us here :(

Easily angered? Sounds like a plan.

I don't understand fren

Yo, stumbled in here from r/all. Y'all tell me, what is r/frenworld?

Hello fren, is place where other frens post pictures and their stories and can expect the support of frens.

There's also some hurtful lies on these mentioned hate subreddits like in the pic^ but that is not who we are. Feel free to skim deep into our place :)

It’s a weird grouping of people that are pretending to be caring, simple minded antisemites.

We can still be frens <3



The easier to understand is it's a place for "Frenposting" aka posting memes and talking about your life and being supported by strangers on the internet who don't give a bop about your creed, nationality, or any other defining feature that would have non-frens on reddit at large combing through your comment history to attack you instead. Reddit has become increasingly hostile, and confrontational in nature the last 5 years or so, frenworld is a place to get away from that and just be with people who want you to be better.

Lol, an actual safe space and the left still wants to take it down... 🤡 🌎

Go to the post on r/TopMindsOfReddit and read through the comments. In one comment they literally use the example of someone on this sub saying “they used the term gorillion so theyre racist”

Why? It’s just frens making the best fren memes possible.

It sure is fren :)

I don’t get the white supremacy claims I have legitimately never seen racist stuff on this sub. If I had, I probably wouldn’t be here. This is just wholesome shit but without 8 million dog posts





I don’t even understand what is tipminds? Like what does that sub even do? What’s it for I’m confused

It is there to be hateful to frens, just hateful non-frens.

Its for fat dweebs, to browse these passive aggressive subreddits were you act like a bully towards other people you don't like because you think (wrongly) that you are better.

Anti-racism and leftists is anti-friendship!

Tbf the original post sucked ass. I hope you all realize that the top minds of the subreddit name is everyone outside of that sub.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I dun understand, frens. Why must the nonfrens bop us? We don do what they say we do. :c

The non fren cries out.....

I've been subbed here for a couple of months and I still don't get why people keep calling this sub for nazis. Can someone please explain, I'm just here for the froggies :(

Yea, like. Should i be worried im on a list now? Are y'all motherfrens about to start the 4th reich?

The lack of response is even more worrying


Bruh, im just tryin to get my froggy fren on. I dont need no b-word a-word clowns crampin my style.


stick together frens

Why do they hate us frens?

I don’t get it, why the hate?

But because of that post i found this subreddit 😊

Welcome newfren, please leave your bop language at the door. There's tendies in the reception area for all frens.

Horrible but also not to be rude here fren but why light mode ?

You are being called out because you're yet another face on the pathetic heat mongering sadcunt regime.

Explain nonfren

This sub is used to put a supposedly non-threatening sheen on the twin turds of hate and fear mongering so that spineless, powerless fat sadcunts can feel a sense of belonging and fulfilment while playing epithet Pokemon and Tragic: The Gathering. I'd explain those last two jokes but it'd be pointless because you're all so fucking stupid.

That wasn’t very nice of you. We are just a bunch of frens that want to have fun together :(

Aww poor diddums are your cheeto stains offended?

Says the one offended over frog pictures

That wasn’t very nice of you. We are just a bunch of frens that want to have fun together :(

Look who's offended here. Why - it's one your felllow shitcunts and it's upvoted. Clearly, this sub of paper thin egos is easily offended. Cry some more.

You realize I’m joking right? It’s just a character? Clearly not. You’re trying too hard to be offended/upset at someone else’s fun. Get lost, go find a real hate sub to tarnish. Leave us alone here.

You may think this isn't a "real hate sub" but that's because you're a moron.

It really isn’t, but even if it was, it doesn’t change the fact that you’re going out of your way to be upset/offended by something. I suggest you spend your time on reddit looking at subreddits that you enjoy rather than ones you hate. Life can’t be very fun if you spend all of your time surrounded by things you dislike.

It is a hate sub. You're doing your best to deflect criticism (and your best is pathetic) but that will not change reality.

I am neither upset nor offended - I take great joy in shining a light on cockroach clusters like this cancerous growth. I suggest you learn to live with it mate because I'm not going to stop and if that offends you, all the better.

I can tell you're offended you effete wanker.

how are we too stupid to understand what we ourselves are supposedly doing?

Magic is fun fren, esper control all the nonfrens into oblivion

You're not fooling anyone but yourselves and when the sub gets shut down you'll be crying in subredditcajncer without these cringey attempts to sound child-like.

fren what is the hourly rate for Internet hall monitor? I need money for tendies, can you rite letter of reccocmendation for me fren?

Keep it up - won't change shit and you'll be mad when the sub inevitably gets closed.

fren what does inietibilly mean?

It means that this shithole will end up like every shithole on Reddit - closed. It also means that shitcunts like you will definitely cry about it complaining of censorship. Death, taxes and shitcunts crying about not having safe spaces to be shitcunts are all the definition of inevitability.

too many words, fren. not possible to remember


You guys understand that "Top Minds" isn't referring to them, it's sarcastically referring to the people they're making fun of, right? I mean, referring to it as "Top Retards of Reddit" is just more offensive to the frens

That's very smart

We never lost sight of the beauty of or fren. Even if others steal him from us for their own perverse use, he will always be pure, adulterated good boy. We must take him back. He was to good for this bad world.



I don’t get why people find the use of Pepe so bad. If people who happen to make really edgy jokes that you might not find funny, who cares. At least all of us here are frens.

4chan made it a goal to turn it into a hate symbol so normies would stop using their mascot, and the blind sheep in the media just played along.

Pepe is a 4chan symbol, not reddit, so redditors should just shoot themselves, no one on the internet likes them. Imagine how much of a fat dweeb you have to be, to browse these passive aggressive subreddits were you act like a bully towards other people you don't like.

Idk what this sub or topmindsofReddit is, but i'm guessing this is full of dumb memes, and topminds is full of IamverySmart spergs.

It’s just r/youropinioniswrong but they’re liberals so it’s okay

Hi, new frens! Thank you for accepting me. We MIST STAND IN SOLIDARITY lest we get LEFT BEHIND!

What would they possibly be offended about

Nonfrens are hateful and wish we weren't frens

So it's just because of the relationship to 4chan?

Mostly I think

I actually thought this was just a wholesome Pepe sub like r/dogelore, but boy am I wrong. Looking closely in the comments, it’s clear what the intentions of many are here. Sad bunch

Why do you dislike frens because there may may some nonfrens that slip through the cracks, fren?

I would say there's a solid amount of wholesome memes here and decent people to go with them. I'm tired of being told what to 'disavow by association' from people who don't give a hoot about me or my well being. Some people are going to do things I dislike literally everywhere I go. This isn't "stormfront", despite some people's insistence to the contrary. If that changes, I'm out.



Alt right neonazi filth

No need to spread falsehoods fren

You are a neonazi sympathizer fren


by posting frog pictures?

we are not notsees fren, we can see clearly

stop bein un frenly

they make me sad. i just want to be frens


fren me?

You betcha fren


So am I allowed to be fren if I’m not white?

Of course fren! We love and welcome all frens no matter how the nonfrens say

Actually I’m inferior and should be worked to death in a labor camp then shot in a ditch and my corpse left to be eaten by rats.

I don't think so fren :(

Yes it’s true you know the truth, I’ve accepted I’ll never be as fully human as you and my whole family and I belong in a death camp being tortured and starved

Please stop fren. No one but the nonfrens could ever want that

It’s actually the beautiful geniuses and superior people who have so brilliantly come to this conclusion, all I must do now is wait until the day of the rope when I’m dragged out of the vermin nest I reside in and finally put out of my misery

fren no

It’s fine. I apologize for ruining your amazing civilization and upsetting you by existing 😥😥😥

I'm new to fren. Just looking for frens

Welcome fren

Ty fren <3

fren: i have a useful trick for you, go into settings and look for dark mode

Thanks fren but I intended to contrast the different posts by switching to light mode for the screen cap.

ah okay fren, stay safe fren


No u

No you both


I have no idea what’s going on and I love it

I love you fren

I’m not a fren, I’m not a non- fren, I’m just an observer

You seem like a fren to me, fren.

Well since I don’t know what being a fren means, I’m not going to call myself a fren

Naw fren, this doesn't run nearly as deep as you think. It's literally a circle jerk of being nice to other frens with edgy characters as Mods that triggers radical left wing types simply for existing in this space.

Everyone that doesn't hate is a fren so I hope you one too.

These people are genuinely so dumb. Really frustrates me. I'm not racist, at all. These are just fucking memes, if they can't see that, they shouldn't be allowed to call them TopMinds ffs

I don’t get why they can’t understand jokes

they are fascists not frens :(


Oh no frens, anyone but topminds, oh noes

Holy shit, you chodes make me cringe into oblivion.

That's not nice of you fren

We just want to be frens

lol _BAMBOOZLE has no frens!!1

Thats not my username. But congrats on being the new toxic subreddit that willbe wiped in like a months.


bop the nonfrends

I thought top minds was a larger and more popular sub than frenworld, but now I realise that due to the toxic nature of top minds no, its not a very popular sub


Yikes, extra cringe

Sorry frens, had to remove it because the name wasn't covered.

No Sir gay yyyyyyyy

Please revive fren, there's nothing the admins can do when the screen cap inside the post is of r/topmindsofreddit show the name just as blatantly.

Admins hold us to different standards, fren.

TopMinds and their ilk will never be quarantined or otherwise penalized for brigading and targeted harrassment - we will.

Ik in general the standards are different but the title is mild and it clearly demonstrates in the picture itself of them doing the same to us.

The post just really means a lot to me fren, I've never had something reach over a dozen fake points and I spent hours watching their reactions and replying to our own frenly comments. It's just real personal in an irrational way and I don't see a chance in heck that the admins would use this against you, if they really wanted to bop you that extremely then they'd more likely use a hate post that hasn't been taken down yet by you frenly Mods.

Idk why it matters so much to me but pleeeeas is all I can say now :(

Thats cause you faggots are loser virgins who will never win anything.

Shhhhh..dont expose bestg_///+ ! Delete this comment fren and I'll do the same

tbf "the right to bear arms" is an extremist view in their minds.

Nah, banned

fren, you need a hug

oh, fren, it must feel good to be so condescendenting

Wait what's what referring to

Maybe so! But if you wanna be frens then you still gotta be frenly

I can smell that you are a stranger to these waters, nonfren

Nonfren big brain. Nonfren smart


Listen, grown man who pretend he doesn't know what racism looks like, i can see the hateful posts and comments with my own eyes. Are you purposely ignorant or just a liar?

I’m not a fren, I’m not a non- fren, I’m just an observer