Guten Tag Frens! I'm German and my Volk Frens are disappearing :(( pls be my frens

222  2019-04-30 by TigerPanzerI


Hallo fren, ich spreche Deutsch. I'm not very good it it though

I like when frens around the world show interest in my language.

Many nonfrens call it ugly and dull and that makes me sad.


Those nonfrens don't know how great it is having 6 different versions of the word "the" do they?

Natürlich, Freun!

Jeder ist willkommen in unserer freunwelt!

Danke mein neuer freun! Ich mag diese Freunwelt sehr!

Me too, I'm a Swedish fren. We'll be best frens!

The swedes are always frenly. Europe frens should unite

what is a volk fren?


It means folk or people, fren. German is a very cool language!

I am German myself :) but I don't get the context. does he want friends or German friends or friends of Germany or is the German thing even important? sorry for asking stupid stuff frens

His fellow German frens are... going away, and he needs new ones

Is this that dumb white genocide conspiracy theory?




Large Bop

Heil hitler Heimen Schneimen

Guten Tag Fren!

Canadian Fren here!

Kopf hoch! Noch sind wir da, Freun!

i be your frens!!!!!!!! du hast jetzt fren!!!!!

Du bist mein fren :) Ich spreche Deutsch. But not much

Fren is here :)

willkommen mein nigga

Wir bin hier für dich freun :)

I donot speak german but il be ur fren :))

We frens now

Leider eben nicht.

Die deutschen Frens werden immer für dich da sein!

Guten Tag ich bin auch Deutscher fren

Ich auch freune

The Frengemeinschaft is here for you fren, for a better world. :)

Ich sprechen nicht so gut deuch aber du kannst sein mein freun