How do you stay positive frens?

829  2019-04-30 by generic_white


I just think of all of my frens

Maybe hatefrens have problems of their own. Maybe they are projecting their insecurities but find it difficult to convey their thoughts. Maybe one day hatefrens and our frens can be goodfrends.

very thought provoking fren

thanks fren

i only feel sorry for them. i wish they would be frenly

I have seen their bad places and they do not speak nicely of us. They do not speak nicely of a lot of people and they do not want to be respectful to other people to help themselves understand. It's not healthy to be unfrenly.

I’ve just recently learned this myself. May seem obvious but it sure took me a while. Good to be here now though, and glad to call you my frens.

Thank you for sharing your experience and also your post, fren. It is a good post.

Maybe you can tell me what you all mean with "nosefren"? These are mentioned a lot and often you say they are bad.

What does "nosefren tribe trickery?" mean?

And why do the nosefrens need to fall?


They're the sad ones, just laugh at them fren because they have to label others to feel good about themselves.

Isn’t it weird that there are bunch of our frens being mad and retaliating when accused of being white supremacists instead of showing them otherwise with kindness and love and separating frenworld from the realities of racism?

The only thing I’m mad about is the mislabeling of Apu.

Just genuinely wondering how some of you stay so positive, especially with all the untrue accusations and general nonfrendery from others recently. Being positive is pretty hard for me.

I don’t want to speak for any frens here, but i think some of them might be unhappy with the accusations because they have been showing kindness and love and some angry nonfrens accused them of racism anyway.

they have been showing kindness and love and some angry nonfrens accused them of racism anyway.

Perhaps some frens are still being hurt and excluded by the jokes and unfrendly comments (even though they're so super duper subtle and not obvious at all)

Can everyone really be frens even though those people who "show kindness and love" do so while also being mean and unfrendly to certain groups of frens?


Listen, we don't want to bop clowns, we just want them to stay over in clownworld. A lot less conflict will arise if we just leave each other alone.

Sorry fren i was barbecuing some sausages. They were good.

All the frens here have been very welcoming and inclusive to anyone who comes here to become a fren.

Just because some frens like to make jokes about racism or unfrenly things doesnt mean everyone here is unfrenly or even that the people making the jokes are unfrenly. I think all the frens here are able to understand that they are just making jokes and not trying to hurt anyones feelings.

I think if nonfrens are feeling insulted or offended by some frens jokes, they should maybe not go on this subreddit instead of blowing it up bigger and helping the jokes reach new people and make them feel insulted or offended.

why aren't you bending over backward to make sure that none of your jokes offend clownfrens that literally disintegrate at the slightest hint of anything anything less than utter deference for their insane worldviews and awful life choices

Gee, that's a toughie, fren...

Very well said fren, i enjoyed reading this.


We have to ignore the nonfrens. They don't understand us. Frens stay together and avoid negative non frens.

Hulk hogan fren

Circle of frenship


hatred is a good motivation fren

I ignore the nonfrens and focus on all my good frens

I think about the fact that 80 years from now I'll likely be dead and gone and nothing I post will matter then. Makes me feel much better about this mud slinging.

i focus on my frens, not my frenemies

Water only stay healthy fren.

Stop talking about nonfrens, you’re giving them the attention they want

My bad fren, I’ll try n keep it frenly from here on out.

lmao what content beyond us vs them is there in this sub?


I don't like when nonfrens lies about my frens.

Me neither fren, I wouldn’t even care if the insults were true or funny. Just so low effort and inaccurate.

They call frens supremacists while nonfrens oppress frenlys because their religion says they can.

I get by with a little help from my frens

i get high with a little help from my frens ♪♫♬

Are the beatles frens?


You must realize that the nonfrens are pathetic individuals that just want you to be miserable like them. Stay positive and don't worry about what they think or say in the slightest.

Frenworld isn't a place, its a people.

Give unconditional love to nonfrens and maybe they become frens?

Reeeeee all humans that don’t consume the holy tendies are sub human

Wrong sub fren


How do I stay positive? I remind myself that I’m surround by thousands of frens that all love and celebrate diversity and crafting a better future for all frens.

This is genuinely the most safe, wholesome and caring sub I’ve been on. Every fren has been a pleasure to interact with and I’ve enjoyed partaking in and spectating the discussing of our hopes for the future of diversity.

Nonfrens can try to detract us, but it only makes us grow stronger. As frens, our power levels are always with us. Remember that.

What can frens do against such reckless projection

I've made their distress of the truth my satisfaction fren as it shows my message has been delivered and that makes me happy

I understand they don't want to be fren because they are clowns



Don't worry, fren. I hear non-frens are constantly projecting on other people.

Blackpill - Nihilism = Honkpill.


Just remember that they’re wrong about you. Do not let them change you by repeating the same things over and over. That’s what they’re trying to do. They’re trying to make us something they want to hate. Stay strong, Frens.

Fren, the only way to stay positive is to ignore the nonfrens, and listen to who’s important. The only person that needs to know your intentions, are you. The frens who matter will understand. :) good luck on your journey fren!

Life is a cycle.

You've heard that weak men make hard times, hard times make strong men, strong men make good times.

Well fren, are you not surrounded by the strongest men you've ever known? Good times are on the horizon.

Mean words only hurt if you let them fren! Smile and be glad to have today!

I'm not a nonfren, fren. But im not right leaning. Am from left. I don't see what the non frens are talking about. We're just a silly group of frens sharing pics. Not bound to political alignment just silly pictures :(


No idea, but maybe you can answer this yourself if you think about what this "nosefren" is ? What does "nosefren tribe trickery?" mean?

And why do the nosefrens need to fall?




they have been showing kindness and love and some angry nonfrens accused them of racism anyway.

Perhaps some frens are still being hurt and excluded by the jokes and unfrendly comments (even though they're so super duper subtle and not obvious at all)

Can everyone really be frens even though those people who "show kindness and love" do so while also being mean and unfrendly to certain groups of frens?
